DC Culture

Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

I was right when I said that DC Penalties would hurt the game more than help.

Its not that I don't think DC Penalties are a necessity. But it was too little too late. A 5 minute DC penalty isn't going to do much against the game's developed culture around DCing. And there is a culture around disconnecting.

This culture was allowed to developed. It evolved from the pool that this game is, and grew because of the increasing lack of fun this game has been providing.

Frustration is common in this game. Fun moments are few and far between. The gap between new players, veterans, and how this game is balanced, is so wide that I don't know how I can see it working unless we balance this completely for one of those two camps.

When your choices are to prolong a game that you cannot recover from or to sit there and hit space bar until you inevitably die from a camping killer or sissy teammates, you aren't really given a choice. Most would rather take the hit, leave, and try again.

DC Penalties weren't there when this game needed it. The issues that cause people to DC in the first place have yet to be fixed four years later, with the gap between casual, competitive, beginner, and veteran growing ever wider with each Chapter.

Its not that I don't have hope for this game. But its been four years and we are only just now seeing them putting balancing changes on the right track. Hell, how long did it take for Trapper to get a buff with his outdated power and their counterplays? As I said above, all this seems too little too late. DC Penalties needed to be implemented before DCing became commonplace, not while its engrained as a necessity for matchmaking.

We have a DC Culture now, and the more absurd the penalties, the more people will just quit the game. The less players we will have overall. Even with the penalties, I see almost no difference in the DC rate.
