We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Rethinking Underutilized Perks: Killer Edition

Zappy9 Member Posts: 4
edited March 2020 in Creations

Greetings! It's my first post here so be gentle. The idea here is that the perks listed below are (typically) never utilized but could fulfill niche playstyles and spice the game up. The idea isn't to make overpowered perks (although balance is a fickle being), but to visit these perks with an open mind and make the game more interesting. I have some Survivor ideas lined up, but for the sake of brevity I'll make that one in a new post.

||Unrelenting||: 60 sec cooldown, offers a second lunge immediately following a missed lunge.

--I like the theme behind Unrelenting, but I believe that its effect isn't noticeable enough unless its at a comically high percent. Rather than remove the penalty for all missed swings to a level where it's not able to be balanced, I like the idea of giving it a strong effect with a long time in between uses.

||Overwhelming Presence||: Survivors in your terror radius shake uncontrollably, dropping items moderately/considerably/tremendously often when they attempt to use them in front of you.

--Overwhelming is pretty Underwhelming, in my experience. The theme here seems to be that your very nature causes Survivors to panic and not be able to use their tools while near you. Seeing this, I think it would be a lot more cool and thematic if survivors would just simply drop the tools from their hands and be forced to pick them back up. As far as flashlights go, the perk could apply a check when they're used and decide whether or not to drop it after they turn it off (otherwise they'd be unusable!)

||Insidious||: Whenever you travel 32 meters away from a recently hooked survivor, you lose your terror radius for 10/15/20 seconds. 

--Insidious is hot garbage and promotes bad play, as much as I like the theme. I'd prefer instead to have some kind of neat terror radius-management where you're promoted to leave the hooked survivors and, from there, decide where to go with your short-lived stealthiness.

||Beast of Prey||: The Red Stain disappears immediately after initiating a chase with a survivor. Gain 30/40/50% more bloodpoints for actions in the Hunter Category.

--I have never seen anyone use this perk. Ever. BUT red light management is actually a really useful skill that higher level killers can manipulate in order to mindgame survivors at certain loops. I'd like to see this perk in a place where beginner killers can slap it on and make use of it, but having to wait 15 seconds for the effect is really bad and it's hard to tell when it activates. I also don't believe higher level killers would even need the perk, but it may be a personal preference.

||Cruel Limits||: Any survivors within 10m of a generator when it is repaired suffer from Cruel Limits. For the next 30/45/60 seconds, they are unable to perform fast vaults.

--This is one of two demo perks that are also never utilized, and both are addressed. Cruel Limits has a really nice theme, and one that I think would be better served like this rather than individually blocking every vault location. Both beginner and experienced killers can understand and make great use of this perk alongside other combo perks such as Tinkerer or Bitter Murmur.

||Mindbreaker||: While repairing Generators, survivors are afflicted by the Exhausted Status Effect. Any existing Exhaustion Status Effect timers are paused while the Survivor is repairing a Generator. After ending the Repair action, the survivor is afflicted by Exhausted for 2/4/6 seconds.

--Mindbreaker seems pretty straightforward, the current limitations on the perk make it pretty unusable despite how it seems like a universally good perk. I'd like to just simply see the gen percent requirement removed and the exhausted timer increased by a couple of seconds and see where to go from there.

||Furtive Chase||: When your obsession is hooked, Furtive Chase receives a token, up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. Each Token decreases your terror radius by 4 meters. When a survivor rescues the obsession from a hook, the rescuer becomes the obsession.

--Furtive Chase also has a really cool effect.. but it currently only activates in a chase. This seems pretty ineffective for a perk that already takes 4 hooks to come online, so I'd like to simply see a change where it lowers your terror radius altogether, as well as removing the penalty for killing your obsession, creating some nice combos with Monitor and Abuse to make a killer that keeps getting stealthier and stealthier over the course of a game.


  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    My opinions on these perks (and your suggestions).

    Unrelenting: I think this perk is fine. It's really good on Spirit (although it can be decent for all killers) and can recover just enough to catch people before they can get to a loop. You may not see a change, but I do.

    Overwhelming Presence: Combine this with the increased item drain of the perk as it is now, and you'll have a decent perk!

    Insidious: Instead of just losing the TR, maybe transfer it to the hooked survivor, similar to Dark Devotion.

    Cruel Limits: All vaults near repaired gens are blocked by the entity for the rest of the match. Does not apply to pallets.

    Beast of Prey: Survivors in a chase suffer from Obliviousness.

    Mindbreaker: Raise that timer to 5/10/15 seconds, and it'll be decent.

    Furtive Chase: the main benefit is the ability to change obsessions. However, adding your suggestion to the perk would make it quite nice.

  • TTVBoyGamerDude
    TTVBoyGamerDude Member Posts: 8

    cruel limits blocking for the whole match? Uhhhh... nah man. That’s a little ridiculous

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Well, as it is now, it is only useful for 30 seconds at 5 times a match... It also is very map dependant, because Rotten Fields is terrible while Lerys is great for it.

    It should live up to its name. I don't think it would be too strong, since it doesn't affect pallets, and most maps don't rely on windows.

  • TTVBoyGamerDude
    TTVBoyGamerDude Member Posts: 8

    Many maps rely on windows... I get it’s batshit right now but I feel like it’d be enough if they increased the range to like 40-50-60 meters and it blocked longer.