just got shock-camped by the doctor

Impossible to save or be saved.
Against a camping killer, you could have borrowed time, or decisive strike if you try to force a save.
But against a doctor that camps with shock therapy, you can't do anything, it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to get the survivor off the hook.
this is pure abuse, fix it.
Your sacrifice makes other survivors survive, so it's a win for your team and a lose for killers
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Sounds fair to me. It's nice to have a way for a Killer to completely prevent a Survivor from making a save.
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If you aren't the one getting camped, just do gens and leave. If you are it's frustrating at first but the fact that 3 other suvs survive if they don't fail completely outweighs the cost imho. Plus, he's gonna depip as well.
I usually watch some YouTube vid or read something whilst getting facecamped. :D
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does bringing good items and a 100% BP offering, only to be downed and face camped whilst being impossible to be save due to ######### mechanics sound fair to you?
get off this forum
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Yes it does. Killers don't have much to counteract all that Survivors are able to do. It's fun to see Survivors reaction when they don't get to lose how they want to lose.
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Imagine justifying the fact that someone didn't get to play just cause the game is imbalanced
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Yes it does actually. 60 seconds for your team to work on gens plus even more time while you struggle. You lose but your team wins. Additionally, you lost the chase. You risked your item and offering. They don’t always pay off.
If I have a ######### game against four rank 1 swf group or a rank 1 killer I don’t go and complain in the forum. I suck it up and deal with it. Camping is a play style which is completely acceptable. Regardless of how it’s done.
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It is imbalanced.....in favor of the Survivors. Gotta love when Survivors aren't happy.
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So? Everyone should get to play
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Exactly, I don't give a sh!t that i give my team 60 seconds to do gens while im hooked, im want to play this game too god dammit.
Everyone saying otherwise is a tryhard hit hard in the head.
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Mmm I know that feel. Be thankful you aren't playing Claudette because my only advice would be get used to it.
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Keep this civil, I may not be a mod but its nice to have a civil conversation on here
Also you can be saved against a shock camping doctor
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That's why you just suicide on hook if you're camped. The others aren't entitled to those 60 seconds I spend staring at Clown's loving eyes
Edit: bad word?
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it's no different than when leather face camps with his chainsaw
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well, if you go up against a SWF death squad, you at least get to play the game. camping prevents the person from playing the game and getting any BPs.
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You can save from that, even though most of the time it's not worth it. Just takes more than one survivor, and probably means a hook trade that's sorta pointless to go for unless the traded survivor has DS or something like that.
I'd imagine you can save vs shock spam doc if he just misses a shock and you time it right? I know it's faster than it used to before his rework but it "feels" like it should still be possible. If it is a way to make it legitimately 100% impossible to save someone I wouldn't be surprised if it gets changed though.
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Yes you can save from face camping bubba, it is possible with borrowed time, decisive strike and medkits with BT addon.
A doctor just standing still and spamming the hooked person can't miss, and the survivors can't unhook because of the zap interrupt + you can't do anything for a couple of seconds.
literally impossible to save from this. like come on guys even bubba is doable
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I simply wasn't sure as I haven't seen it since after the rework. Before you could hide nearby and run in right after he fires off a shock and get an unhook before the next one, but I'm aware you can fire off consecutive shocks faster now from playing him post-rework.
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Fair??? LOLZ
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If it's literally impossible to save someone because Doctor can just always shock, that should be fixed somehow. If it's just tougher to do but still possible, I say that's fine.
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Are you not getting to play cause you're on the hook? That's part of the gameplay. I'm pretty sure you were also playing as you were being chased before you got put on the hook. You just didn't get to play the way YOU wanted to play.
You build a bridge and move on to the next game.
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Having a staring contest with the killer isn't gameplay. If I wanted to stare at someone and do nothing else I'd go to YouTube or Netflix, not a videogame
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If he misses a shock, you can save.
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If he misses the shock on someone who's not moving then they should be ashamed they got hooked in the first place.
Sorry but you can't win every game. You're gonna get put on the hook sometimes. It's part of Survivor gameplay. Face camping is a strategy just like all the other troll things Survivors do are strategies.
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I don't wanna win, I wanna play. No one here is saying "I shouldn't get hooked", we just said "hey, staring at a killer isn't gameplay"
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But it is. The game doesn't end as soon as you're placed on a hook. In fact once you reach the 2nd stage you get to PLAY the mini game which consists of you repeatedly tapping a button. 🙃
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wrong. They have plenty at their disposal you just aren’t using all the benefits the right way. From a long list of abilities to extensive melee range and speed I think I’ve just about had it with complaining killer mains. Map design is terrible for survivors as there are literally dead ends everywhere. You can be mad at the specific Limited places Survivors can loop you, but as far as overall survivability if you get caught at any point throughout the map ... well, there just is no survivability and exposed and Mori’s in the mix too and I’d rather uninstall the game. Someone has to get caught and chased right? That’s the point of the game, otherwise nobody would play killer. So... if that’s the case why is it so easy to put survivors down? On average I’m not getting my 2nd or 3rd hooks because of slugging and Mori. Which Mori shouldn’t even be in the game, if it is in the game it shouldn’t be EVERY survivor. Where’s my insta repair generator offering to make up for that teammate death that you just tunneled and camped for? What makes you feel as though you deserve kills with the unfair nature of killers abilities speed and melee range. It’s kinda nuts.
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I don’t understand why people don’t address that shlt? I mean, it’s unacceptable to come in and try and that first person the killer finds just gets camped, baited or tunneled and leaves with so few points. I want value out of everything in the match healing, repairing and whatnot. But i think gens are easily Patrollable on some maps and you will eventually get caught working on one. Spine chill or not. He’ll catch you. And when he does you’re telling me the game put items in that speed up the death process? That’s of no fault of my own, I understand that’s how games go. But killers do have easy matches too 😂 I think people complain because they’re not getting 4Ks due to nerfing whatever was so efficiently working for you before. It’s ridiculous. Escaping doesn’t mean ######### to me if the game prevents me from having a fighting chance, I don’t wanna play it. I’ve played both sides. I main plague And I have a lot of fun still. Whether I get 1-4 it’s fun. You don’t need 4K every game. Organized teams of survivors might be the OP issue. But they deserve to beat you, that’s what their supposed to do, work together. It’s solo surviving that is the worst. I think it’s more so BS that after sifting through the higher levels of the killers bloodweb, every other level .... and I mean literally EVERY OTHER LEVEL had an EBONY memento Mori in it. That shouldn’t be as casually obtainable as it is. I was like no way do I have a stack of these things by the time I hit LVL 50. It’s fvcked up.
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That's not a minigame and being on hook isn't gameplay. By that logic, cutscenes are gameplay too
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The thing is I get what you are saying OP... being camped isn’t fun, but there are no restrictions for it other than you lose points as killer. That’s what I think the problem is.
I don’t like the sound of killers having limitations but for those asking the other survivors to just do gens is pretty dumb. I’ve always said I would rather die to a good experience than win to a boring one.
The devs should leave camping as it is... BUT extend the tools to execute a save during hardcover camping. That’s the bottom line.