Do they deliberately make it difficult to see a key coming in ?

Brown key on brown background.
I miss seeing the key at the lobby sometimes. No probs I see it in game I D/c, ill take the 5.
I d/c again against a "hidden" key get 15 mins I'll just stop playing killer.
1 gen to go, 3 survivors down the hatch, no thanks.
So how about they make it alot easier to see keys coming in, like you can see medkits, boxes, so I can dodge that #########.
Yours Sincerely
Another killer who is about to just walk away.
So, you're mad about a key, and your defense is to DC and then begrudgingly stop playing killer...because of the DC? That you KNEW YOU WOULD GET?
It's a key, for ######### sake. If its used it means you did your job and that's the only way they escape. Its essentially a hatch loss. Which isnt a loss.
Also if keys are this big of an issue for you, to where you DC and then get mad about the DC, over a key, maybe start running franklins??
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And that sounds like a bug. If their hand is closed and doesnt reopen after a moment, it's a key. If theres nothing there and they're saying it is, its a bug.
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Take my damn updoot
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A key that I can't sometimes coming in, by design perhaps ? Nah brah on to of all the other bs I ain't doing it and I suspect alot of people are of the same mindset.
For ######### sake look at the survivor que times, pro tip, when killers tell you why they are walking away, to be just like, hey here is some attitude, well guess what, it doesn't stop them walking away, hell at best it does nothing, at worst just gives them a little shove as they walk out the door.
Anyway I might que for a survivor game now, as I wait for that game might read some more of the survivor rule book, after all got all the time in the world as a survivor waiting.
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Ash with the ashy slashy puppet. The key comes out of his ear and it can be mistaken for his hair.
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I don’t care what the excuse is, disconnecting is simply bad sportsmanship. There’s more to life than simply winning at DBD you know.
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Now that's what i'm talking about !!!
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The game likes surprises. The same way people wont go into a match if killer brings mori but you get to know about it too late.
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Keys are for people already winning.
You can block them from using it. Standing directly on the lock makes the prompt not appear. When they're trying to maneuver around, you can get in a hit or two.
If someone does use a key, you can close it forcing EGC. And if they open it again, that's two less keys in the world.
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Assuming you play survivor and want to in the future, you really might want to start looking into those killer concerns, cause you know, there is more to life than waiting 5, 10, 15 mins to get a survivor game to face a LF who is going to face camp you all or the tunnel hard with mori killer becomes more and more as the "reasonable" killers have walked away.
The other options is to give the killers attitude, adopt a moral superior position of i don't care what your excuse is and enjoy sitting on your pedestal, cause your gonna have a long time to sit on it as you wait for a game as survivor.
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This is the first I've ever heard of it. They can't fix something if they don't know it's not working right. Have you reported it? Or did you notice it and say nothing?
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Lol thats sad you duck and dc lobbies. Then you get mad about it but uk what happens lmao you make no sense plus Its not that deep because you see a key. The key cant even be used till either the gane is about over or is over most times when i bring a key the killers see mines just fine and i tend to get tunneled and face camped hard and then get a nice msg from the killer after words saying thats what i get for bringing a key -sighs- but we dont have that luxury to lobby duck when killers bring moris or have a good totem spit for davour hope and they start to mori everyone because its a bypass for moris x.x if you cant find it in time. Soon as we see that last offering not turn over we're like welppp this killer is gonna be sweaty for the moris because most killers i come across mori on first hook and tunnel that person so next time you complain and be such a crybaby think like really think about does this go both ways and am i just being a (bad word) because you want the easy way and would you just sound dumb all together.
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Why are you complaining that a key is hard to see when none of the survivors can see anything about the killer until they are in the match? Would you like it if the match ended as soon as you rev your chainsaw or the sleep timer starts or the phasing sound plays?
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Mori is way worse than that and it benefits killers and that issue is present since day 1 i guess?
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people getting upset over an item and calling devs survivor sided over not using their eyes
yall complain about anything
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It's sad that killers have to do things to make it worth playing killer. Have you not noticed lately the survivor wait times ?
Dodging because of various reasons is the final straw to try and make playing killer worth it, the final straw before another killer walks away. If the game design is such that I can't even SEE the key to lobby dodge, yeah I will D/c, again, having to put up with the usual bs plus keys is a hard no from me, it's a deal breaker, I will simply walk away from killer if it's forced. Funnily enough all the insults and attitude by some people doesn't change the is it worth to play killer equation, some people really don't get that, not to bright if you ask me.
I agree that moris are bs, but I don't use them. So my view is coming from a killer who isn't bringing a mori, dare I say i'm a some what reasonable killer ?
More wait times, more "bad" games eg, camping leather face/mori's is what I suspect will happen if this course continues.
So lets see if we can maybe stop such a thing from happening ?
Step 1: Make keys as easy to see as say a med kit ? or am I a "cry baby" for suggesting such a thing ?
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I wasn't talking about keys being hard to see in general. That's another discussion.
If you don't report a bug that isn't known then you shouldn't complain when it's not addressed quickly. You know there's a problem, purposefully don't report it because you say it won't be a high priority and then use them not addressing a bug they don't know about as further proof that they are biased against killers.
Just stop.
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I don't regard that as anywhere near equivalent as can't see key = can't see which killer.
There is a larger context here about how much bs a survivor and killer has to put up with vs the benefit of playing survivor/killer that they key thing is merely apart of here.
Not going to go into detail on all of that, other than to say going by the lack of killers/survivor wait times this is telling you more and more people are saying ######### playing killer.
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Read what you said. You provoked killers vs survivors discussion.
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You can see them unless it's a Steve or Ashy Slashy. You have to look closely, but I've spotted most keys and been able to dodge.
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Steves literally hide the key in their body. The animation being the same doesn't exactly help either.
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Nice strawman, ever thought about like looking at the screen with your eyes open ? You people get upset over everything, me very big brain.
Lets try again shall we ?
Here is med kit in lobby
Here is small brown key on brown background
Hmmmmmmmm, One of these is not like the other
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I think the Ashy Slashy cosmetic completely hides keys
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While I agree in principle that there are a lot of frustrations playing this game on both sides, I must say that it's kind of the point. There are very few popular games that don't incorporate frustration in some way. Look at dark souls as a prime example. Imagine if you could just reload your save and get a different boss until you have one you find easier. I would not have played. The randomness plus the pvp of this game is what make it great. I trust the devs to continue monitoring the experience and make small necessary adjustments based on data that can only be collected by them, rather than playing with brightly colored survivors on a flat plane with only 1 gen that the killer always spawns next to and takes an 3600 seconds to repair, or a killer with no weapon on a map the size of Texas with a gen every 2 meters
So when a situation is frustrating think about how it really impacted you. For me as killer a key in the game adds a sense of dread and urgency that I find every bit as exhilarating as having devour hope proc as a survivor, and appreciate that it is there
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Yeah it's not a bug. A huge oversight but not a bug.
I play Steve alot and even I can't tell which picture has the ######### key.
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please walk away, we need good killers
not lobby dodgers
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Just stop taking it personal. Its okay. Nobody hurt you.
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So you're acknowledging that it's a low priority, little known bug that you refuse to report but at the same time complaining that it won't be fixed for a year and a half because it benefits survivors.
You can't have it both ways, sorry. I'm done discussing this with you because you refuse to be reasonable.
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"For me as killer a key in the game adds a sense of dread and urgency that I find every bit as exhilarating as having devour hope proc as a survivor, and appreciate that it is there"
I suspect that MOST killers (including those who no longer do the killer thing) would NOT share this view.
MY view is pretty much the opposite of yours, when you play a reasonable game as killer, (no mori, no face camp) get to a bad start, then work your way up to a 1 gen, 3 survivors where the game could go either way and the survivors do their best bye felica as they go through the hatch, (now granted in my experience its usually that 2 go through together with 1 left on their own to MAYBE get the hatch again).
I would be more than happy to pass every lobby I see a key in to you, well if I could see the damm thing to begin with.
You love keys as killer ? you do you.
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Umm yeah, thats the problem, killers are walking away.
Might want to address that ?
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I like that idea, or give everyone else a big indicator a key is being brought it by having a halo over their head
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Moral of the story don't bring a key.
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Imo they should just remove keys from the game.
Or at least make it so you can't get Key's from chests.
Or make it where you can only get Key's from chests, but perks that make rarer items spawn more likely don't work for them.
Or remove the hatch, giving survivors that took the game hostage a free win mechanic was a really bad decision in the first place.
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Ho-kay, then. I don’t see how your post has anything to do what I said. If anything, a long wait time for a game only to disconnect is even more stupid. Disconnecting is just throwing a tantrum. Don’t do it.
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Well how about us survivors get to see the Mori before it's coming in too. At least you killers have a chance seeing it, we just get told, oh they might have a Mori during the loading screen
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I guess that makes you the white knight for all the oppressed killer mains. It must be hard to be forced to play a game created by developers that apparently hate you. I'll pray for you.
Also, as I said earlier, general key visability being a low priority is irrelevant. We are talking about literally not being able to see keys carried by certain characters. Stop conflating two separate things.
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I have trouble seeing it as well, depending on the character holding it and their position in the line up.
I still feel the lobby should have a section that lists items being brought in.
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The lobby did at onepoint look differently than it does now.
There were three on the left as they are now but the fourth on the right was slightly tucked behind the third. This made it hard to see if they had a flashlight or key and it was not easy to spot.
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Or just deal with it, and not whine about it. They're part of the game.
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I totally wanna see this.
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You sir, are a huge p*ssy. Lol.
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I vote we hide all items and offerings
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You know what I do when I see a key? I use Franklin's, or bring a green Mori, or I'll try to kill them first. There are many ways to get rid of a key in game without having to DC
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i think its intentional that survivors hide keys behind their bodies.
at some point in a Dev stream i think i remember someone asking why Feng Min could do that and others couldnt, which they responded with basically saying that they find that to be a neat little detail they want to give everyone.
which wouldnt be a problem with items that had less of an impact on the game, but hey.
keys in general need a massive rework imo.
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keys should be removed tbh
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"stupid" "tantrum", you really don't get this whole killers walking away thing, in a way your attitude is part of the problem.
"A long wait time" for whom ? you as the survivor, not so much as killer.
Figure it out.
But no, let most survivors adopt the attitude you have shown here, lets see how this ends...
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I'm sure if you really put some effort in, you are able to contribute more than a mere insult. I BELIEVE IN YOU !!!
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It isn’t “killers” walking away, it’s just YOU walking away. That’s YOUR choice. I haven’t heard of anybody else doing it. Sure I may pass on a lobby if I get a sense that I am going to be outmatched, but disconnecting midgame is simply being juvenile. You’re being a bad sport and it is as simple as that. Sorry.
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I've been playing since day one on Xbox and don't even know what keys look like. I've never seen one and don't know anyone has one til they hop out the Hatch with 1 gen to go.