Wholesome Streamers

Recommendations for wholesome/nontoxic streamers?
Sometimes I want to see good people who try hard so I can learn things. But sometimes I just need someone who is chill. So... Any recommendations for the wholesomest streamers of DbD? A few that I like are:
**Btw, I'm not self advertising and I ask that you don't as well. <3 **
Otzdarva tends to be a really chill guy on stream. And when he laughs, he always reminds me of Tommy Wiseau. Sorry if I ruined Otz' laugh for people who watch him regularly.
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Umbra. Umbra's adorable. 'Hello gamers! *Hatchet to the face*'
Otz as well.
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Thank you all. :)
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Otz is a man we don’t deserve but need 😔
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Graenz (German Youtuber)
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Peanits is a pretty wholesome streamer, Ralph is wholesome too.
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Farmer John literally doesn't get angry at his opponents, so he's a joy to watch. Otz is a no brainer, and Zubat as well. The only other streamers I can think of that are actually chill are Pain Reliever, Space Coconut, and Umbra. Umbra is probably the most adorable streamer on the planet.
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The ones I follow are:
Sequisha (Plays also other games, but also some DbD. Pretty chill streamer overall).
Zubatlel, his reactions are great when some weird stuff happens and he is pretty chill.
Ohtofu because he is just relaxed about everything.
Morf, likes to talk a lot of #########, but in a non-toxic way (at least, for my standards).
I also like to watch some Angrypug and Hexy from time to time.
EDIT: I also watch Bahroo when he is streaming Dbd.
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he is the voice of the people
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OhTofu and Otz are awesome. Not only are they extremely good and know just about everything about the game but they also don't take things too seriously (even though Otz likes to yell and swear at times for fun).
StreamDad seems to be a really empathic person who doesn't sweat for cheesy wins and thus is quite enjoyable to watch, too.
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Otzdarva for killer
TrU3Ta1ent for both
Grimmybear for survivor
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TricksterShadow and Bardock are super chill and interactive
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An awesome community that also speaks out about imbalance in the game, theory testing, and/or you just want a pro to test some of your builds. I recommend Tru3Ta13nt.
An awesome community that just has fun with the game, talks about every day life, and is really chill. Cahlaflour
If you want a small, but awesome community streamer currently growing. All around wholesome guy who will talk to you about your day, and spread the love. I strongly reccomend Biet.
An awesome community, where the streamer teaches you about all parts of the game. Even goes to far lengths to describe every single thing occuring in the game (from his view). Best educational streamer for Dead by Daylight, by far. FunGoose.
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I can't recommend Otzdarva enough, he is such a wholesome guy and is extremely knowledgeable about the game despite joining in late.
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Morf_uk....funny I love his content.
If Hybridpanda was still streaming I'd say him but you can check out his YouTube content. I really miss his Shrine Watch Video's. He would give his recommendations on the weekly shrine updates.
Monto is fun as is Puppers and Satalizer.
However, most of these guys swear like sailors.
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Oh Tofu ----- Wholesome.... Tell that to any Blendettes he faces HAHA
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Oh Tofu, Puppers, Monto, Otz, they're all pretty chill in my opinion.
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Tru3, Otz, Fungoose, Bronx, Cope, Zubatlel, Scott, monto, puppers.
I mainly watch Tru3 and Bronx when i can. Then Otz if noone else is streaming.
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@Peanits, Otz, Monto, and Tofu.
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I watch Sattelizer. He makes fun at times but does it in the most loving way..:) Fungoose is very good - he explains what he does and why he does it as he plays.
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I personally enjoy watching Sammymjay, when I just wanna chill^^
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I always liked Puppers he is a very chill guy and Noob3 and Monto as well.
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Are non-toxic streamers.
But OMG ppl up here are posting some god damn toxic streamers........
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LynxiTime is really chill.
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This thread needs to be pinned.
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Fungoose is one of the most wholesome streamers I've watched and one of the best players I've seen.
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Goose & Drey are particularly good at explaining what they're doing & why, and will answer questions about their approach if you ask them. They are good if you're looking for a more educational aspect. RunningMan takes killer requests almost all day, a lot of the time, and is nicely laid back