Skill Brackets

rhodamia Member Posts: 275
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

Idea 1.0:

What if players were pitted against similar devotion level brackets?

Still trying to use the rank system as well (though. Clearly we have rank 10 killers going against rank 3 survivors so that's known to be broken right now)

But devotion level at least gives you an indication of how many games they have played. Perhaps have brackets of gamers with some sort of reward system in place (optional)

Players could be sorted into pools/brackets such as

Devotion 0 (newer players) 100%BP

Devotion 1-5 (experienced) 120%BP

Devotion 6-20 (Semi-pro) 150%BP

Devotion 20+ (Pro) 200%BP

When a lobby is created, it is assigned a bracket. And pulls players from that bracket pool.

End idea 1.0

Idea 1.01:

If the devs really wanted to go all out, they could allow players to have a series of checkboxes for each bracket that they would like to play against. And may enter lobbies of higher or lower brackets.

If you are playing a HIGHER bracket:

Gain Pip reward: BP% of higher bracket + Bonus Devotion XP

Safety Pip: BP% of higher bracket

Depip: BP% of YOUR bracket minus 15%

If you are playing in YOUR bracket:

Guaranteed your brackets BP%

If you are playing in a LOWER bracket:

Gain pip: BP% of lower bracket. All brackets lower than yours will be locked for 24hrs

Safety Pip: BP% of the lower bracket

Depip: BP% of the lower bracket minus 10%, Devotion XP penalty

This would be a way for players to ALMOST select a difficulty. But without allowing abuse. It's not perfect. But it would be a nice starting playground for a new ranking system in the hands of skilled devs.

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