A quick review of survivor hitboxes before the new ranged killer drops.

Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

So after many hours of gameplay I finally figured out the key to seeing survivor hit boxes, their feet.

The hit box of a survivor is a capsule that starts at is centered at their feet and rises slightly higher than their head. This hit box is actually slightly taller than a generator so hatchets can hit survivors that are behind generators if they are not crouching. It's also why self caring survivors can get hit over railings and the like.

However, when a survivor is injured they lean forward. From what I can tell, the hit box doesn't move. This creates the scenario where the killer is striking the air behind survivors, not the actual survivor and still doing damage. This is as intended of course. If survivor hit boxes directly reflected their models then the only way an injured survivor would be downed half the time would be by lunging at their, posterior.

So what does this mean? Well for Huntress her hatchet hit boxes are a sphere that has a diameter of rough 1 hatchet if I recall correctly. So there is a half-hatchet on either side of a thrown hatchet to be wary of. However for our latest rootin' shootin' Deathslinger, his spear gun requires a LOT more precision. From what I've seen the hitbox of the spear is the same size as the model so it can be rather easy to miss with. This is only further exemplified by this bugs ScottJund found that I pray the Devs have fixed:


Survivor hit boxes are capsules centered on the feet.

Hunting hatchets are slower usually, but have a larger hit box to hit survivors with

The Redeemer's spear will always be fast, but have a very small hit box to hit survivors with (as well as a max range)

If the dev's didn't fix the above Harpoon bug we're gonna have a real bad day come the 10th.