Is demo just bad or am i just bad at it?

MTK Member Posts: 77
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

So i'm familiar with the new meta perk for demo utilizing STBFL, I've seen countless streamers play with it in EU, Korea, NA, etc.. But when I play it myself it still just feels like an inferior wraith w/ decent addons. Sure I put down portals in essential areas, sure I can usually reach 5~8 stacks EASILY by the midgame, but by that point there are like 1~2 gens left and I'm left wondering what exactly do I do with all these high stacks?

I think the thing I find most problematic with demo is it's just too honest. Like when you are in a fencing match and you are always honest and straightforward with your thrusts, then your opponent will take advantage of that. Demo has to hit twice on each survivor to hook them once, with pretty much no element of surprise besides ambushing an oblivious survivor sealing a portal. Killers like billy/oni can down a survivor instantly, killers like spirit, ghosty, or wraith(gven decent addons) have that element of surprise. As for demo... I feel like high stacks of STBFL definitely make it more viable and the perk probably fits it better than any other killer, but like.. more viable than ######### is still #########, just less stinky? Idk

Or maybe im just bad at demo. I play at rank 1 and when I play demo I consistently depip EVEN WHEN I win mindgames on loop and end chases relatively fast. I usually end up pipping back up using doctor/ghosty.


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,304

    If your rank 1, your obviously not bad. Demogorgon isn't viable killer. The tools he has are too weak for high level play. There was once upon time I used to play Clown in red ranks, but It's just too much effort for a bunch of depip's. I think his major problems are that his pallet break is too slow for comparative advantage to zone player who out position, A large majority of his add-on feel like they should be base kit and most of them do not improve the killer by significant amount. He has Undetectable status on his portals exit, however the sound cue for when he uses his ability destroys his ability to actually stealth on people. The loud roars across the map alert you when he is in a chase making it very easy to do generators. Just like a lot of normal M1 killers, They're sadly balanced for rank 5-10 and not rank 1.

    If i had to propose changes for him to be rank 1 viable(for good survivor players), I would do following 3 changes

    1) Shorten the recovery for breaking a pallet with Shred(0.5 second less(?))

    2) Increase range shred lunge by 1-2 meters

    3) Remove portal sound for when you enter Abyss

    Unfortunately, even If all these changes did happen, He would unfortunately not be good enough to face 4 man SWF, He would be ok for rank 1 solo-queue. SWF plays the game at much higher level than soloq, therefore killers somewhat unfair/broken for killers to have any chance to beat them. If you want him to have a chance at beating 4 man SWF rank 1 level, you would need rework his Iridescent add-on. I would suggest one add-on to remove cooldown of using portals and allows him to see aura of all survivor while traveling portal and the other add-on would allow Shred to instant down. Obviously double iri add-on would be very strong, but that's just testament to red rank SWF power-level in the game. It's better to see SWF get nerfed/rebalanced than to try propose ridiculous killer add-on to reach their level.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    On paper he has a perfect kit, but it doesn't pan out that way. People underestimate how much info he gives the survivors, which is too much. They always know what he's doing at all times because of the constant global sound notifications given for everything he does. His movements are also extremely predictable because of the sounds queue on teleport and his constant thump thump walking sound.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,304

    When I play survivor, Whenever matchmaking gives me Demogorgon,Clown or Leatherface, It always feels like it's going to be free win. I can't wait to face Deathslinger as survivor, It's going to mad fun to bully. Just my unbiased opinion about Demo.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    If you're interested in high level Demo play, you should check out Bronx on twitch.

    In response to your post: STBFL is good, but overrated. It encourages not shredding in order to get stacks, but most of the time it's more worth it to shred and put on pressure/end the chase quickly. Other perks: Whispers and Corrupt are a godsend for getting in that first chase as soon as possible, and they are practically required. BBQ or Thrilling are also quite good to know where to go next. And the last slot is really w/e; Pop, STBFL, Monitor are all good.