24 hrs ban for game error

Look yesterday I had already taken a -hour punishment because game incredibly buggy. The following happened: In game killer started walking his hand raised walking sideways right I was disconnected game resulting a -hour punishment. I have a PC an intel pentium processor, GTX video card, GB ram internet didn’t go down DCs. game who giving DC problem yours know how fix bugs game, take punishment release refund why you can stay game taking BAN unfairly mistakes yours thank you await a response.
- Playing today on 06/03/2020 my game presented the following error (Disconnected from HOST) resulting in punishments where it shouldn't exist, since the error is from the game and not mine. Almost now, as shown in the photo below, it happened again and the punishment was applied with the result of 6 six hours of punishment, I honestly did not find anything pleasant what happened, now stop and think ... when the internet of any player goes down? or is there a power outage? or even the PC crashes thinking about those who have a weaker PC? this punishment must be reevaluated and look for a way that does not affect people who have no bad intentions. now i got a 6 hour punishment based on what? in your game bug? this is incorrect and unfair I kindly ask that it be studied in a way that does not have to punish unfairly as it happened to me and in order not to happen there is no one else because it is indignant to pay for the game and be wronged in this way. Thank you for your attention and I hope you see my situation, good night to you.
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If your computer or internet can't run the game without crashing often enough to give you a 6 hours timeout, maybe you shouldn't be playing this game. You crashing that often ruins 4 other people's enjoyment of the game each time it happens. That's part of why they did it that way, no matter the reason for the disconnect, it impacts other people's experience.
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6 hour time-out happens after 8 DCs. If you can't play for a single day without DCing 8 times, please find a different game to play.
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wow, such animosity. Also, incorrect forum @op?
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- Look yesterday I had already suffered a 6 hour punishment because I play incredibly bad. The following happened: In the game the killer started walking with his hand raised, walking sideways, I was healing and I was disconnected from the game, resulting in a 24-hour punishment. I have a PC with, an Intel Pentium processor, GTX 1050 video card, 8GB of RAM and the Internet didn't go down, game that gave my problem on my PC or internet, so check out my case why the error was not the game I who did not. I await the answer and if possible before the punishment ends, this is a joke.
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One DC due to a game bug will not give you that length of time on a DC timeout - you must have DC'd a lot previously to get a 24 hour ban.
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Either fix the problem on your end that's causing such consistent DCs, or find a different game to play. Those are your options. You're ruining the game for everyone else whenever you DC from the game, no matter what the cause is.
It has been literal months since I've been DCed due to bugs in this game. It would be a different matter if everyone was having this issue, but this problem is absolutely isolated to just you.
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No it isn’t isolated to him my game crashes and I get a 23 hour penalty recently I have dced only once since I got the game but the rest of them come from game errors which is annoying for the person disconnecting also the people who it quote on quote is ruining the game for doesn’t know how it is to try and have fun just for a stupid game error to kick u and ban u for no apparent reason
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I just hate how game errors led to me getting banned for 23 hours for me just wanting to have fun I only dced once no more than that game tries have crashed / freezes my game so that I get the dc penalty
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Your english is incomprehensible and you seem to be very hateful whenever you're streaming, explicitely swearing at people and saying the game's trash.
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Well, DEAR, it must be your PC because it doesn't happen to anyone else. Get a better rig that will allow you to play without disconnecting that much, or play something else.
Seriously, you're going to tell me those problems only started showing up AFTER they implemented the changes? If your PC can't run the game properly now, it most likely couldn't before.
Or, you know, I'm calling you out on your bullshit and I'll assume that you're disconnecting on purpose. Either way, stop ruining other people's experience with your multiple disconnects a day and play something else. (but hey the good news is you're on a day timeout now so you only get to ruin one game a day now, instead of 5-6)
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- The problem is this, I’ve been taking these recurring disconnects during games, I play and do live if you want you can check the videos on live I don’t settle the game on purpose simply the game disconnects and appears on the post-match screen (disconnected from the host) then what you said doesn’t match what’s going on, look at my situation and please remove the ban because it wasn’t my mistake it was out of the game.
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Sorry DC bans are not able to be lifted or appealed.
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- Isolated problem just for me, man, there are more people with this problem and I prove it to you if you don't know what you're talking about, so don't forest here partner vlw flw
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- Exactly my partner with me the same thing is happening and yesterday I took DCS about 5x just yesterday.
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- so learn to do your job right and invest in improving the game by removing these bug bugs, or release my refund that I will be glad to stop playing a game where it is full of bugs and players are penalized for the lack of competence of yourselves from the game thanks for nothing: D
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Still better than perma though
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Since when bans can be lifted though?
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Are you kidding? Are we playing the same game? You could run this game on the world's fastest supercomputer and it would still crash -- frequently.
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Well then I must be lucky not to have the world's fastest supercomputer then, because I hardly ever crash more than once every month or two.