Does Bond show your aura to other Survivor's?

Trying to think of a way to stop other Survivor's from bringing the Killer straight to me. It happens every so often and often ends with me getting downed so I was thinking maybe Bond if it shows my aura to other Survivor's or Better Together to highlight the gen I'm working on.
Best Answer
No, unfortunately it doesn't.
Unless the other Survivors are also using Bond than yes. Otherwise if they're not than no, they won't see your aura or anyone elses.
Aftercare might be an option. It has a requirement (unhook or heal or be unhooked or healed), but once that prerequisite is met, you and the person you healed/who healed you can see one another's auras pretty much wherever.
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Well the issue with Aftercare is that you NEED to unhook or heal them for this to activate, if you don't meet this requirement than it won't show your aura to your teammate and vice versa.
The only issue is that the effect stops when you get hooked, so it isn't full proof to the OPs issue unfortunately. It could stop their issue though, but only in niche situations and if that Survivor they unhooked/healed has a tendency to bring the Killer to Generators... if they don't than it's kind of a moot point.
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Whilst Bond doesn't show other survivors your aura - it will show you other survivors so then you can see their aura, you should quite clearly be able to tell if they are being chased or not, so you have enough time to get away from them.
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It also works the other way around, when someone heals or saves you, so it's not as niche as all that. I mainly suggested it as it's the only perk I could think of that shows both sides one another's aura without relying on someone else to have anything in particular.
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I'm not knocking that it's a good suggestion, i'm just saying that the perk doesn't last long enough to make a big impact in the OPs scenarios.
Also, it doesn't say anywhere that the effects last for the other Survivors AFTER you get hooked, so it's safe to assume they don't.
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They don't. It'll last if the other person gets hooked but once you're hooked it's gone save for whoever rescues you.
As has been noted, though, getting use out of the perk requires either very altruistic play, risky play necessitating getting yourself saved or healed, or a mix of.
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Well I believe the OP is looking for a long term use, not a more... "niche" use if that makes sense.
Aftercare is a good alternative for this issue yes, but I don't think its the best option... even if it's the only (I think).
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Some survivors like to bring the killer to others survivors so they can escape the chase. If they can see your aura, they will make it more often. So, giving aura reading wont necessarily make your situation better. :)
And think about that... if you are in a gen, the chased knows you are there cause of the noise. I use to run away from the gen when I hear it in the middle of a chase. If the survivor comes towards you in a gen, hes doing it on purpose.
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Well I think it's more unintentional than intentional.
Plus if you run to a Generator and hear that it's being worked on, than 9 times out of 10 the Killer will go to the Generator, even if you run away from it. If they hear it, they'll try to prevent all progress on it since one Survivor stays injured and another gets injured from this scenario.