How to tbag properly (dbd guide, 7 tips)

chenais Member Posts: 69

A lot of players love shaking their booty at the killer: after all, is it not fun to trigger the killer? However, t-bagging might end up going wrong, so here is a list of things to consider before the party begins

1) Do not t-bag after you stun the killer at a pallet: you waste precious distance, making it easier for the killer to catch you after that. Same thing for windows. Instead, t-bag at the exit gates or when you see the killer in the distance, so you can make it out safely in both situations.

2) Be aware that when you t-bag from a distance, you need to watch out if it is a huntress. She can snipe you.

3) When you t-bag at the exit gates, there is a way to do it safely: position yourself to the place where, if you get downed, you escape. To get to that line, go to one side of the exit gates, advance yourself as much as possible until you reach the wall, and go back to the middle. Congrats, you found your party's place!

4) Be aware of 1 shots. It is not rare a survivor decides to t-bag the killer without being on the line of number 3, because they think that they will be fine since they are healthy. However, noed often gives surprises to booty shakers.

5) Be care full if it is Myres: he has a tombstomb add on that allows him to mori anyone without downing them. This will allow him to bypass the "get downed and escape" mechanic. When willing to taunt a Myres, either make sure he does not have tier 3 ready or get out when he gets close.

6) Be aware that blood warden exists! This perk makes it so when the killer hooks someone, exit gates are blocked. Either make sure to check the exit to see if the killer has blood warden when he hooks someone or be away from the gate when someone is hooked for the first time since egc is activate.

7) If you realise that the killer is a streamer, go watch the video of the stream he might have uploaded a day later! Watching their reaction can be funny :). However, streamers often do not re-upload their stuff, so rip.

Hope you guys enjoyed this guide on how to t-bag :)!


  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    As a killer biased player this truly made me chuckle, thanks for the tips

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Wow, I learned a lot! I also like how tbagging can be morse code for communicating with other survivors!

    It also encourages squatting irl to warm up for matches and gets your heart rate going. Is there anything that can't be solved by crouching?

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    If I know Myers has a tombstone you bet your entire life earnings that I'm t-bagging the living ######### out of him until he's fully stalked me.

    I assert dominance even in the face of certain death.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776
    edited March 2020

    "So, I heard you wanna tbag at the exit gates..."

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    Number 5 is why I main Michael.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050
    edited March 2020

    Another tip related to #5, if you are the obsession, then watch out for rancor. I’ve been killed at the finish line because such a thing happening didn’t even occur to me so I stuck around. Gotta admit that I laughed about that one!