Seriously, when is bhvr gonna fix the slug-not-making-sound bug?

MTK Member Posts: 77

EVERY SINGLE TIME I try to locate a survivor I downed after slugging them for a bit(not even a long time, maybe just 25~ seconds or so) I second guess myself to death wondering if I'm legit not within range of the survivor's groan audio or if I'm literally 4 feet away not hearing anything because of the bug. This wastes my time(and time is NOT something killers have the luxury to waste in this meta) checking the same areas over and over because I can't be certain if they are just randomly making 0 sound when they could have just crawled too far away for me to hear them. In that circumstance I just find myself giving up and going for another survivor. Involuntary slugging lmao.


  • Mo4ntus
    Mo4ntus Member Posts: 416

    Well they haven’t acknowledged it yet and it’s been in the game since June so they probably just added it on purpose