New Custom Gamemode: Practice Mode


So, its possible to use a custom game as a practice mode, but i don't always have friends available to jump into a custom game and screw around while i try and perfect some things.

It would be really nice if i could go into a custom game SOLO if i have to as a killer or survivor, just to explore and learn the maps, pallet locations, etc. I also would like to be able to practice my nurse and huntress aim but i'd rather not take my first games with nurse/huntress into a ranked game against rank 5~ survivors. I tried nurse for the first time the other day and it was so humiliating i had to quit halfway through.

Perhaps in this gamemode, you could have available options such as infinite unhooks (survivors wont die on hook, for practicing unhooking tactics), regenerating pallets/totems, and perhaps a menu in-game to instantly change your item/addons to practice with.

I suppose instead of an entirely new gamemode, i am just suggesting making custom game playable solo, and give it a few more options/settings to allow for more efficient practice to happen.


  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    While I agree it would be nice to have a practice mode for when you have no one to test things with, playing against actual people is the best way to learn to play new killers. I sucked a lot when I first started playing Nurse and Huntress.. I'm still nowhere near great at them, but I'm decent enough that I get some good matches here and there.

    Not entirely sure how they could implement that though, they'd need to program some kind of AI for both killers and survivors, that take each map's tiles into account..

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,681

    I just want to be able to go into a KYF alone to attempt pulling off difficult fast vaults/billy curves.

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    Dude, I've wanted such thing since I started playing this game and I wanted to practise skill checks at first. Now I want it for terrible maps like Hawkins so you can learn them. But I doubt it will happent soon. Such basic things are missing in the game that I don't think people even have to suggest. Devs should have these added on their own .... Seeing other survivors pekrs is another basic thing that should be in the game

  • TTVfbYTigTW
    TTVfbYTigTW Member Posts: 85

    This. It would not be difficult for this to be implemented I'd imagine. It's basically what some survivors/swfs do when they start up a kyf lobby (load up a map, practice every multiple flip of it, practice stringing loops, practice what works, what doesn't, etc). Unfortunately, not all of us are teens or in college with nothing to do in our lives except learn a video game so we can drop that sweet "gg ez" on someone....kappa

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309

    It is precisely something that I wrote at the end of the survey currently proposed.

    This is an essential thing. With a more substantial tutorial.