The Rush to Finish Tome 2 before DOOM Eternal hits is Real

IFeelFantastic Member Posts: 72

I have exactly 10 days before Doom Eternal hits and I forget DBD exists altogether for about a month. I've been playing the cat-and-mouse game for so long that I'm overdue for a break. I want colorful hordes of rampaging demons to pop, instead of hiding behind pallets and running for my tiny, insignificant little survivor life. I want worthy adversaries with offensive power, instead of scurrying little survivors pulling their little tricks and roping me into boring loops for whatseems like an eternity.

10 days to DOOM ETERNAL with Chains of Hate set to release soon and a whole part 4 of Tome 2 to complete...

So basically the next 10 days straight are just Dead by Daylight... after which I will be totally burnt out from it and will welcome the change of pace.

I can only assume that there are some others who are going to do the same?
