Underrated killers

We currently have 19 killers on the game and I feel like 2 of those killers are underrated and they are Hag and Wraith.
Hag's power is so unique that you can get to one side of the map to the other and can be used to mind game survivors yet people don't play her often enough. I think the only reason why is because of survive with friends, SWF is such a pain in the backside to go against when playing Hag unless they don't know what they're doing.
Wraith is so underrated, he needs some love. His power is good but the devs need to change it a bit like when you see his outline while cloaked, don't make Wraith have one while he is at a distance. He is also very add on reliable, the bone clapper I think should be base for the Wraith and have one on the windstorm add ons base too.
I think that's it, tell me which killer do you think is underrated and why? I'd love to hear your opinions. Btw I do encourage you to play both Haggu and bing bong because they are cool killers