Justify the Changes and Communicate With Us, Developers

I feel as though you guys should release an extended list of patch notes that explains why you guys make the changes you do. As it stands, changes are made and players are left in the dark on a bunch of the points. It gets really frustrating not only being blind as to what you guys are going toward, but seeing the aimless backlash left and right after every change.
- Why was the sabotage time not increased slightly so that survivors can't just stand directly in front of a killer and sabotage a hook?
- Why was Hangman's Trick nerfed so hard without some other compensation? Make it a sabotage punisher more than a sabotage notifier. Apply the exposed status effect to the saboteur for a few seconds (3) to punish stupid plays where survivors sit right in front of the killer. If not that, increase the range to a maximum of 10 meters or so.
- Why, instead of constantly changing killer add-ons to suit their power, are killers not being made stronger at base with add-ons serving to change their powers in quirky but less numerically impactful ways (think Hag)?
It goes on. Why not release discussions more often where you address some common points? All I ask is that you communicate with us more, rather than a seemingly one-way conversation.
They won’t no matter how good of an idea this is because they don’t care about the players base they want money, the money is where survivors are at since there are at least 4 times more players playing survivor than killer. So they make it easy for survivors so they keep buying cosmetics
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The answer is easy they want to make the game as easy as they can for survivors, like really who in the hell in BVHR thought it was a great idea to let survivors able to sabo hooks faster then the cool down after you hit them. Sorry but that is something that needs to change it shouldn't be quicker then the cool down after a hit, i would really like to know what the person was thinking when they came up with that change.
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Hey I want updoots too.
Money money GREED money. Devs don't care and they hate _________ with latest patch.
Key points
As a surv-iller main I am completely unbiased.
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I feel like being open about the future would definitely help with players being so toxic about every single change made. That said, I would also like to know why some changes that absolutely should have been made were not made.
Edit: When the same things are posted again and again, those are the topics that should obviously be addressed.
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I play both sides and I would agree with him. Survivor is laughably easy to play right now. This game is nothing more than a bully simulator.
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I'd still rather know what they are thinking than not at all. 🤔
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We normally hold live Q&As on the week of releases where we address more pressing game balance questions.
Sadly this week, we are unable to go live as we do not have access to our streaming set up. That said, we will still hold a written Q&A on Thursday. Keep an eye for it!
I also want to add that I like your idea of adding more information directly in the patch notes. This is something we are currently exploring and since we have been doing Patch Notes a certain way for a long time, it requires to change some processes and involves many teams. Point is, good idea and we're working on that one 😊
EDIT: In the meantime let me see if we can already get these answers for you.
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Thanks! I knew about the live Q&A, wondered where that went. Good to know this idea is in the air now as well.
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Your build? Add-ons? Map? Survivor set-up? Was something important glitched? Position of the moon and stars? Did you eat before or after 7PM? Were you using comms to *cough* it's not cheating!
Killer does good they're potatoes. Badly it was swf. Gimme updoots.
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Idk how to feel about this update from both sides. Smh All I know is when I run survivor I avoid toolboxes and add ons for them in the blood web as MUCH as I can. What a joke.
I know when I run killer I am just going to slug and or always bring ebony Moris. Franklin's is somewhat a joke now I guess. Smh what a joke.
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I posted a while back on how you could do that, and maybe expand on bugs as well in a manner that would solve a ton of communication issues and take almost no extra time at all- hell I showed a way that it could be done with community assistance to make it even easier on devs.
There are a lot of people wondering why that spasmodic breath bug that makes nurse OP got fixed IMMEDIATELY upon discovery, but it's been almost a year and the blink charge bug has not been fixed or even mentioned at all- despite being reported, @ directly to devs, and even replied directly to devs about with plenty of video examples and more. It does it almost every game so unless no dev ever plays nurse EVER they must have seen it.
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Regarding sabotage time: Right now if they decide to keep sabotaging the hook after being hit, they will sabotage it, but they'll wind up trading themselves for the person you're carrying since you'll be able to hit them immediately after. We're keeping an eye on it just in case to make sure it doesn't get out of hand.
For Hangman's Trick, the number used in the PTB was much higher than anticipated. Due to the spacing of hooks, that 16m radius gave you essentially map-wide aura reading on all survivors, completely overshadowing perks like BBQ & Chili. The idea behind the perk is to help combat sabotage, not to give you information on every survivor. You'll still get information on the survivors before they can sabotage a hook, letting you react and change your plans sooner.
As for the last question, I'm not entirely sure what you mean. The Doctor received some add-on changes in this update, but he also received changes to his base kit as well (in addition to the massive base kit changes from the mid-chapter). Killer like The Plague and The Trapper also received base kit changes in this update. We don't focus on one or the other, we update both add-ons and base powers. Additionally, we do tend to make add-ons that change the way a killer is played these days rather than being straight upgrades over their default power.
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@Peanits I think from my last question, it was more a matter of the concept of add-on dependence. Some killers seem much more dependent on them than others. I feel as though they should all ideally be considered good without add-ons.
Good to know you guys are keeping an eye on the first point. I still feel as though Hangman's Trick is lacking something (maybe still grant hooks an increased recovery timer), but at least it's better than it was.
Edit: By good I mean relatively equal in power. I recognize though that there is bound to be disparity between killers.
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Except there won't be a hook trade, because they will use two survivors. One for sabo and one for blocking. Did you not watch what monto, puppers, and satt did in the ptb?
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I'll agree only with the 1st point. Sabo is way too fast now that you can do it in the killers face after getting hit.
Hangman change is ok , it's made for you to find survivors close to the hook. 8 meters is enough.
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Feel like as far as the addon comment goes, Myers is an excellent example of addons that offer change instead of just buffing an aspect. Typically when I tell someone about a Myers game, there's some pronoun before Myers to describe the addon. "I played afew games of Jumpscare Myers, before trying out an infinite T3 Myers." Think about how many killers have similar situations? "Pallet Freddy" "Body-blocker Hag"... No one is gonna describe a game as Deathslinger as "Reel-in-abit-faster Deathslinger" no matter how good the character is. Same can be said about most of the killer cast. Don't gotta make an addon OP to change up a power, so instead of "normal build Huntress" it beomes "instadown Huntress" as a change of play-style.
What if as an addon, Deathslinger ditched shooting a chain with his harpoon so survivors who are shot arnt pulled in, but rather slowed down abit until they go through an interaction to remove the chain. This would greatly shake up the game-play, and is only an example that I just thought up.
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Then could you explain the oni add ons? Legit the only ones that dont effect a numerical value are his super ######### ultra rares. One doesnt change their gameplay if they go against a topknot crutch oni. They just die faster.
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That's exactly what I'm getting at with the add-ons. I would much rather Myers be a little stronger, and all of his "you move slightly faster while stalking" or "you remain in tier 3 a little longer but you have to stalk a little longer" add-ons be replaced with more unique ones.
Imagine an add-on for Deathslinger that allows your spear to pierce through survivors and apply deep-wounds to all hit, while only pulling in the first one hit (after the hook begins retracting) and halving its chain strength. Suddenly survivors can no longer effectively body-block, but he also has a harder time sniping from a distance.
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No company explains patchnotes.
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If by “looking into it” you mean reading these forums. I wish you good luck, because it has become a place where everyone complains without reason.
Complaining before even trying changes. I don’t even sabo that much but with the attention this one change is getting you would think every survivor group is doing when it is not the case.
Anyway, just felt like I needed to say that because I like to observe the forums but lately it has been disgusting the way people can’t even express their opinion without being put down and torn apart simply because they are already mad at you for going forward with the changes.
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My Bet:
Sabotage will still not be used that much. The whole evening, I have only seen two people use Saboteur and I have only seen one hook being sabotaged (without meaningful effect, since the Killer was still able to hook me).
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Ever read a Riot's League of Legends Patch notes (which comes every 4 weeks)? They tell the reason behind every change and even leave a little joke about it.