So silly to lose addons after escaping now



  • det0xxp
    det0xxp Member Posts: 121

    I sense entitled survivors again as per usual. Y'all can complain about you losing your add ons now. But we lost ruin... Sooooo.

    Killers dont keep their add ons so why should you keep yours. Man I hate the survivor side of this community always complaining even though yall have it way easier than killers. What a joke.

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    You do sound like one who can't really think. I also play almost since the game was released but I am the opposite - I have a few p3 survivors and non killers but I have them almost all leveled. And I do run out of addons often. For example on my doc - before the rework I used to run out of range addons which were a must on the doc or his shock was useless otherwise. I run out of speed addons/mangle on my wraith and they are the ones I need the most. Have almost nothing on my hag - I just use brown addons and hope for the best. And these the killer I like to farm with. Just because you have the time to play on your killers for that long does not mean that evey survivor has the time and the willingness to play a killer for long just to farm points for both. I usually invest points in the killers during BPx2 events so I don't have to spend a lot of time. Yet these don't happen very often. Sorry for not being rude too much as you but I just don't find you remotetly smart to even get offended. Just try to get that brain of yours to work. Think about casual players, limited time, the fact it is a game not a job - connect the dots and you may get there ... one day

  • det0xxp
    det0xxp Member Posts: 121

    Add ons are exactly what they are... Add-ons and he's kinda right though you sound like the typical whiny entitled survivor right now. Get over it dude. Your not meant to keep them.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    You realize you can stack bloodweb points from both killer and survivor, right? If you're concerned about it, play killer. Or play some games without an item for a bit.

    You can literally collect items so easily. Especially if you deliberately not use one in matches and keep escaping with chest finds.

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309

    Survivors get items from the bloodwebs, so they pay for them in BPs (obviously), like add-ons.

    This is why it worked well when the survivors kept their add-ons (except some, the most powerful and expensive, which were consumed): they also paid for items, and could also lose everything (items included).

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    But if it does protect them, that's why I said it, because heavens forbid I mention it if it does that...

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    For me that change was made so the perk can be still decent. Otherwise you would use it to find a random addon/s in a pool of 50+ addons just to lose it at the end of the round wihch would be pretty bad. That change keep the perk in a good position but does not solve the addons problem that they created for survivors

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517
    edited March 2020

    how sure are of that are you? Yea there are the players who put an insane amount of time and have hundreds of some addon also i never said this will lead to no addons in future games, at all. this will cause ppl to think twice before spending some add ons. So its a win :)

    Post edited by Lazerboy88 on
  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,123

    But I already do that, and the addon gain is considerably slower. Items have never been hard to get, I'm talking about the addons. Also I very rarely use items, but when I do, I'd rather not lose my addons if I get out. Losing them even though I won the match is dumb, and I don't want to spend those points to get back what I should still have.

  • burntFuse
    burntFuse Member Posts: 290

    I feel like there should be an exception for key protection add-on's. They're made to be lost in a specific situation, either when opening the hatch or being killed. Losing these after surviving and exiting through the gate seems ridiculous.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Yeah it's very clear that they haven't thought about it enough. Noone even asked for that in the first place.

  • Syantic
    Syantic Member Posts: 1

    Let's go through the reasons killer's lose their add ons:

    1) many killer add ons are very strong, and completely change what you can and can't get away with playing against killers as survivors. especially in the case of red add ons paired with moris, they make it very easy for the killer to 4k. with this is mind, I don't consider it fair for them to keep said add ons because then they would have red add ons nearly every game which would be very unfun for survivors.

    2) all the survivor add ons and items which are very strong (such as keys, BNP, anti hemmorage kit, bottled time) always have been depleted after use.

    3) survivors have many items. killer's only have one ability. therefore they have much less add ons and are much more likely to get what they want.

    4) killers earn more BP, because their games are longer and queue times are shorter. Plus, BBQ has an effect while giving them extra BP for playing normally. WGLF forces survivors to play differently with no extra effect.

    5) survivors still need to escape to keep their item. they could be in the game for 2 minutes and get downed and facecamped and die on first hook, but a killer will always be able to use their add ons for the entire match.

    I could spend 1 million bloodpoints on a survivor bloodweb and get 3 green batteries out of it. it's very annoying that for every 30 games played I can use a battery.

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,123

    That's just blatantly incorrect survivors have major differences between them (as I previously mentioned), and they can be as impactful to you as the killer you're facing. Survivors need Iron Will on at all times because they're so loud, others only have bright clothing available, male survivors are far easier to see, some survivors breath really loudly which really puts you at a disadvantage (even more so if you're playing a dude), their hit noises are also different (making you super easy to track if you have a long one), and for better or worse their P3's are different (which impact their games FAR more than a killer P3). So no, they are comparable because they both have gameplay impacting differences. As for playing one survivor, switching perks does nothing for me, I need that visual, audio, and game feel difference that they bring. I know I'm not the only one that feels this way and with each survivor's inherit advantages and disadvantages it makes it way too boring just sticking to one.

    Which I have done, but you are very incorrect on running out of addons. It takes far too long to find what you need, regardless of what method you use. Killer doesn't have this issue nearly as bad, it's not even comparable with how much worse on survivor it is. With a survivor, when you get every perk, there's no reason to keep leveling them seeing as what you gain is mostly worthless and you'll get like 2 of what you want out of 500k BP. Even if you decide to just level one survivor, you still have to level every other survivor to 40 to get all the teachables, but doing so means that you are more limited by your main survivor's disadvantages (as I've mentioned before). And when challenges require you to use certain survivors who you have nothing/not much for, it inherently puts you at a disadvantage. So regardless of whether or not you focus on just one versus multiple survivors, you are wasting points regardless; either through going too many Bloodwebs just to get one specific addons or leveling a new survivor. It really says a lot when you can have 1,000 moris or Iri heads long before you get 500 keys on just ONE survivor. The grinding does not equate even if you ignore every other survivor that exists in the game. The problem is not spending points, the problem is getting nothing for it and losing what you might get even if you win the match.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    First off, it's been nearly 3 months since this post was created. Let it die. Second, I've stated before that perks can be swapped between characters on Survivors, so any Survivor can run Iron Will if you learn the teachable. On top of that, Iron Will is the Meta anyways due to it removing grunts and pains at 100% when tier 3, regardless of which character you play. Most Survivors have some form of clothing that is dark and can easily hide you but ALL Survivors have bright clothing. I'm only saying most because I don't know if they all do and I'm not going to lie to you. If you the only character that has nothing but bright clothing, that's on you.

    You're going off your own subjective opinion on which characters are easier to see. I've lost sight of Detective Tapp and Adam Francis multiple times more than a Blendette depending on the map. A player's cosmetics are again, universal and in a way, swappable. If you want to be a bright target for the Killer, you can wear that on ANY Survivor. If you want to blend in, MOST (don't want to say all) Survivors can do so. Killers on the other hand, have SPECIFIC powers that are UNIQUE to each INDIVIDUAL Killer. And yet they still have to lose their add-ons when going into a game. If a Killer wants to be flexible, they level up multiple Killers and train on them to get specific add-ons, which requires more BP use than a single Survivor who has no powers. You can argue that you get more useless add-ons before any good ones and that they may be true. But at least it's all central on 1 character instead of spread out between 3-5.

    If you want to have different Survivors maxed on stuff, that's fine man. Play the game you want. But stating that Survivors SHOULDN'T lose their add-ons when Killers have to is just ridiculous. Especially when now, you don't even lose your items, just the add-ons you walked in with. Which means you can focus your BP more on add-ons than regaining items you lost in a match.

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,123
  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Annnnnnnnd I only read what you specifically tagged me for. I'm not going to read the reply you made for someone else.

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,123

    My argument was that killers should be able to keep their addons as well, should they meet a certain requirement (get a certain grade of emblems) in order to actually make it more fair. If I was making the claim that killer's should still lose addons, it would still hold up because of how much easier it is to get addons on a killer. Not to mention a killer is guaranteed to use addons during a match, while survivor addons could go unused and yet are still lost even though they did nothing to help in the trial. A survivor still has to get items, which a killer doesn't have to do, and they have far more addons per survivor than every killer put together. Leveling a killer and getting everything you want is far easier because they have less in total. The whole idea behind different powers is that you play the couple you like and possibly just try the rest, it is inherently less grind than survivor because they have locked in powers with fewer addons. When I do focus on leveling for survivor addons, guess what? It's a significantly more arduous process because you will waste far more time trying to get what you want, killer doesn't have that trouble nearly as badly as survivors do.

    In my most recent reply I had mentioned survivor's breathing, which Iron Will does not counter, seeing as a survivor still breaths while healthy; and you can very easily hear certain survivors over others. Even if you run Iron Will, that's still using up a slot for something that could be more helpful, which is why it's better to play as one of the three (soon to be four) quieter survivors. That doesn't even take into account if the killer runs Stridor which on certain characters (Ash, Jeff, Meg, Jane) makes it sound like you don't even have IW on. All survivors have bright clothing sure, but not every survivor has dark clothes, you listed Tapp and Adam, but their footsteps are far louder than the common male footstep sound so it makes the darker clothing pointless. They're also much taller, so they're easier to spot by default. Most of the darkest clothing for a few survivors comes from P3ing them, which inherently takes a lot of time if you want every perk on them. Also, almost every piece of dark survivor clothing has some sort of way to see it easily. Dwight, Meg, Nea, Bill, David, and Steve have parts of their arms or heads uncovered making them much easier to see. Most other survivors (Kate, Yui, Zarina, Laurie, ect.) have some sort of pattern to make their clothing brighter and more easily spotted. Some don't have a dark thing at all (Nancy, Cheryl, Laurie, Ash), while the rest have fairly dark outfits but are so loud (with or without IW) that it makes the clothes mute (Jane, Jeff, Meg, Jake). There is not a single survivor that has everything going for them, which you have to take into consideration before deciding who to play because it will impact your matches and not every survivor has a good variety of outfits, regardless of how bright they are.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Its the same for killer they have a lot of useless addon take bubba he only have 1 kind of addon that are usefull the one take make your chainsaw charge faster the rest a garbage its the same for every killer and survivor item so addon are good other are garbage but thats part of the grind

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Well you took the extreme here. Not only is Bubba the weakest killer but he also has many addons which aren't working (confirmed by @McLean on stream). If we take other killers (like Billy) we can see that majority of the addons is useful.

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,123

    I think this is a good idea, but until Iri Head Huntress gets nerfed it should be tied to emblems, seeing as any huntress can 4k super easily with that; but they would have to actually try to get emblems.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    The suggestion that I would like to throw out would be altering how survivors lose add-ons in a trial.

    Instead of them being removed post-match (like with killer's), I think add-ons should disappear as they are "used up". BNP, Styptic Agent, the Syringe, Weaved Ring, and Milky Glass all burn themselves once they have completed their purpose. I think ALL add-ons should work in this way.

    -Running an add-on that exclusively adds charges to your item? It is stacked on top of the base charges (its charges are used before the item's base amount) and burns out once these bonus charges are spent.

    -For add-ons that increase item speed/efficiency or affect skill checks, these should work for a limited amount of charges (not extra charges added to the item, just a total amount that the add-on will function for). Once this limit has been reached or the item has run dry, these add-ons burn out.

    -For all other add-ons that haven't been listed (which mostly involve some sort of aura reading or belong to the flashlights), these will be burnt at the end of a trial if the item they were on had less than 75% of its base charges remaining at escape.

    Excluding White Ward use, survivors who die are punished by losing their item and all its add-ons. With the system above, they wouldn't keep add-ons that they actually made use of during a trial, but also wouldn't lose add-ons if they escaped without ever needing to (or being able to) use their item.

    Most killer add-ons involve some kind of passive buff being applied to the killer's power, or a debuff to survivors in certain scenarios. I think the current way they are burnt each match is actually fine. There aren't very many killer add-ons with truly "optional" use like survivor items, so I don't think it would necessarily be fair to implement an add-on saving system (though I wouldn't mind if killer add-ons could be randomly rewarded for completing trials, maybe with amount earned based on match result).

    Basically, you are spending add-ons to gain some kind of benefit in the match. If they aren't used at all, you don't lose them, but you can't endlessly regenerate add-ons that you have been making use of either.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I'm here to say that survivors keeping items at 0% charge is a stupid change. The 1% charge was also kind of stupid. For balance, I just wanted the item and add-ons to be lost when below 50% and kept when above.

    Simple change, no rage from either side, AND it results in less items and add-ons being kept from game to game. It's an objectively better solution.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Who keeps his item at over 50%? Happens so extremely rarely. And again, survivors gain less bp but also have to spend much more to get what they want. Your idea isn't logical to me

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I said 50% only to make people's eyebrows raise. If it were to be implemented, I would certainly hope the value would be around 33% and there be a %chance to keep the item that decreases the less charges it has. Less use of the item means it wasn't influential on the match and should be held over until the next one. More use of the item means it had more of an impact, and there's a higher probability that the item shouldn't be kept. At least, that's in theory.

  • kill_bill
    kill_bill Member Posts: 60

    Why you dont play some rounds as killer to get the massive bp so you can spend them on your survivors?

    The thing is that some killers are really crippeled without addons (like trapper bags) on the other hand playing as survivor without addons is compltly fine. i play survivor nearly every match without items. there are chest i can loot to get free stuff, and a survivor item without addons is still useful. a flashlight still blinds and a medkit still heals... and i havent spend even 1 bp to get them

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