Chapter idea Revised: Frozen in fear
Killer : The Viking 110% movement speed with a 28 meter terror radius
Power- Conquering flags : The viking gets 10 placeable flags that can destroyed by survivors after 15 seconds. The flags will have a 20 meter radius that will show the aura of survivors within the flags radius and also apply terror radius perks i.e unnerving presence.
2nd Power- Power of Ymir : Your terror radius and the flags radius is affected. You start to freeze the world around you. Movement, healing, vaulting, and repair speed is reduced by 8% for 20 seconds with a 60 second cool down.
With the 2nd power, to convey to the survivor that they are affected their screen would be a icy border like this photo
Perks- Marked territory: After kicking a generator, it becomes highlighted. Whenever a survivor starts to repair a that generator. you get a slight noise notification and the aura of that survivor is revealed to you for 5/10/15 seconds.
Out For Blood. You gain bloodlust 3/5/7% faster
Hex : Gift for the gods - Each survivor sacrificed, you gain a 500 blood points at end of match and gain 10% more blood points for the sacrifice action for as long as the hex totem is still standing (with the 500 bp reward, if you were to sacrifice one person then the totem gets destroyed, you get the 500 bp at end game but any after that, you don't get the bonus 500 bp)
Survivor : John Doe- A man with a military back round in spec ops
Perks - Prone : While crouching, press the active ability button to go prone. Press again to un-prone. Applies a slight exhaustion of 10/8/6 seconds (which allows you to lay down and crawl as if you were in the dying state. you would unable to be picked up but can still be hit.)
Messenger bird : Whenever the killer scares away a crow, the aura will be shown to you for 5/7/9 seconds with a cool down of 30/25/20 seconds
Shared Intel : What you see, the other survivors see as well. Every time you see an aura, the other survivors will also see the aura for as long as you do. Afterwards, the perk goes on a 50/40/30 second cool down. (A downed survivor won't count and neither will kindred if that survivor has it and is hooked but will work if the hooked survivor doesn't have kindred)