I was considering not posting this

KingOfBadRNG Member Posts: 425
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

I was playing demogorgon on coldwind farm and found a survivor on a gen. I hooked the survivor and went up stairs because I heard the gen had progression. I kicked the gen and heard crying down stairs. I walked down and saw a trail of blood leading to a locker, upon opening it was the same survivor I hooked earlier I hooked them again. Went to the same gen where i found the survivor the 1st time he was fully healed and I hooked them again and got this.

Calling me a bad word kinda pissed me off. I'm still deciding if I should have posted this. No hate I just wanted to tell a story. I really hate these messages because if I say something offensive I get ban. I did it once and I got ban 7 days.


  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    I did the same thing. I play a lot of online games but in terms of toxicity, this is by far the worst, which is a shame as I love this game. I don't get upset or anything, as it's just words, but the amount of messages I've received from survivors on this game is ridiculous. Considering I play fair, I dread to think what the killers receive who actually do camp / tunnel. 😂

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Me who just throws myself through windows when the last person on the enemy team dies

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    I love these! So fun to reply to and see how stupid someone can really be.

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    Kill them. Stop talking to them!

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    If i make a noob move like returning to a generator i just got caught on, that's on me. If i don't run far enough away when I've been unhooked and you find me...that's on me. You got nothing to worry about, you did your job. There are no survivor rule books, just a bunch of people who can't accept they F'd up somewhere along the way.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Unfortunately i feel its aparent that the devs consider chat like this to be "competitive smack talk" and not the sign of toxicity it really is. I know that the idea is just turn of messaging or whatever but it still doesnt excuse the fact it happens and that it is negatively impacting the game.

    If i am wrong and a dev sees this then do know i apologize, i just am calling what i see.

  • domsugarbooger
    domsugarbooger Member Posts: 24

    Why post why respond is the question? Just move on to the next game it is what it is.. What do u think ur gonna get from posting this? A solution?

  • domsugarbooger
    domsugarbooger Member Posts: 24

    And what bad word? Dumbass? Come on guy dont get caught up all in your feelings just block him be the better person end of story man.

  • VigilStrange
    VigilStrange Member Posts: 57

    Why are you responding to this? It's just someone being -social- on a -media- platform.

    They wanted to talk about it. Sometimes it helps to just vent, sometimes it's to get validation. Sometimes it's to point out the stupidity of someone. Don't like it, then ignore these kinds of posts, and move on.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    Thanks for adding to the "100000th wah someone called me a name" in a video game screenshot. Welcome to online video games bro.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321
    edited March 2020

    Just attention seeking. Only game I know where players have to regularly share toxic chat logs as if this isnt in every single video game with chat. The title alone was cringy and baity.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    Do not ofend back. Just select the offensive message and report it.

  • monstermaster42
    monstermaster42 Member Posts: 81

    Tunnelling is when a killer goes after a single survivor, ignoring all others and only downing and hooking that specific survivor until they die, it is not attacking a survivor you keep running into because they made stupid mistakes, its a "legit" strategy but that doesn't make it less lame

  • bear_tuck
    bear_tuck Member Posts: 3

    Don't diss smiley fries my guy. Those tasty potato circles are legendary.

  • Human_Giraffe
    Human_Giraffe Member Posts: 123

    My favorite thing to do is tease survivors and make them think I'm giving hatch so if they don't wiggle I take them to hatch, set them down, and close hatch.

  • voicefaded
    voicefaded Member Posts: 5

    Honestly I hate when survivors do this, this is the main reason why I privated messages to only friends theres no excuse to got out here calling out a killer for tunneling at all I mean if you are you might wanna take a break cause it's just a game

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    At the end of the day you honestly don't have to care what some rando has to say about the way you play. Or even tolerate them -- you could block them and be done. At least I assume you can on the platform you're messaging on.

  • Human_Giraffe
    Human_Giraffe Member Posts: 123

    Survivors are toxic all the time, why can't I be? At least I don't camp, although I have an exception if it's endgame and I have zero kills, even then I don't face camp.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    Was he expecting you to see him on a gen and be like "sorry i thought you were a different survivor continue with what you're doing!"

    This is why I'm skeptical any time survivors talk about tunneling.

    Camping is more blatant and obvious but they're starting to muddy that term with "proxy camping" and the killer not being on the other side of the map during an unhook.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    edited March 2020

    Really just laugh at him for being so bad at the game he did the same mistakes.

    Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. Your Survivor is the textbook definition of Stupid to a T.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    No offense to you but you really should've considered a bit harder because there are already so many of these posts showing up people who got a little salty at a videogame as if they're trying to prove something. It's getting so tiring at this point can you all just stop with them and find something else to talk about? Literally nobody but you and the other guy involved care enough about it and you'll both forget all about the ordeal in the next 10 minutes anyway.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I actually always get a kick out these screenshots of convos. It’s very entertaining, regardless of which side is throwing the tantrum!

  • Crimbojambo
    Crimbojambo Member Posts: 82

    Yer fine, but its nothing new. People tend to misuse phrases to guilt trip others when they can't or refuse to accept playing poorly is their own fault. They should've not been so predictable and moved elsewhere till your attention was diverted.

  • bonsaibeard
    bonsaibeard Member Posts: 40

    I literally got angry messaged about not breaking pallets earlier today and I’m just like .....what?? Why would I want to reset my bloodlust when it’s part of a game mechanic. The amount of random things that upsets people as killer and as survivor just baffles me sometimes

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Honestly it surprised me how many people use tunneling as an excuse to cover up their mistakes.

    No the killer tunnels it's not my fault that I went to try working on the generator that was literally right by my hook repeatedly.

    The Killer is camping it's not that my teammate is looping around the hook for whatever bloody reason giving the killer no reason to actually leave the hook.

    Even though I know it does happen camping and tunneling has become so overused that I literally can't tell if someone talks about it if they actually mean they were camped or tunneled or if they mean that something in the match happened that they slightly disliked

  • spy198
    spy198 Member Posts: 9

    Yeah i get messages like these alot from salty survivors my favorite thing is just being all nice and happy and watching them get even more pissed, some people just dont know when to give up

  • domsugarbooger
    domsugarbooger Member Posts: 24

    No 1 asked u to respond right? If u dont like what i said read and move on? What now u trying to b super hero on this sight? 😆

  • VigilStrange
    VigilStrange Member Posts: 57

    You asked a question. I answered it. Also, the correct spelling for those words you seem to have an issue with are as follows: 1=one. u=you. b=be. sight=site. While sight is the correct spelling for when you are referring to being able to see, with your sense of vision, you wanted site, as that refers to a location. IE a web site. 😎

  • Junebug
    Junebug Member Posts: 64

    Frankly I think that this is just a problem with all multiplayer versus games in general. People take concepts that work in person, two teams in a physical sport who have history with each other taking the piss, sure, I can see the fun in that, and since you're in person you can tell by the person's tone and body language that they're just ribbing you.

    But online? People use this idea of playful ribbing as a flimsy basis to bully and outright spew hatred because there's no consequence. The worst thing that happens is that they might get a temp ban from whatever game they play, but you probably weren't going to see them again anyway, depending on how big the player base is; then they're immediately replaced by another anonymous username spewing vitriol that in a real sport would get them suspended, removed from a team, if they're a pro, possibly ruin their future chances at promotions or getting signed to a new team, or at the very bare minimum get their teeth kicked in on or off the field. These zero stakes games inspire us to hatred more than the people making millions a year off real sports. Everyone's got something to prove because nobody has a concrete reason to feel good about themselves any more than the pithy, worthless flash of glory that comes from grasping at the chance to be the one grinding your heel into someone else's face for a change from getting stepped on yourself.

    I think I just made myself depressed.

  • domsugarbooger
    domsugarbooger Member Posts: 24

    So now ur a English teacher?or is this a spelling bee? Lol kido ur funny ur like a annoying little bug that keeps at it trying to annoy somebody. No 1 cares about u bra i really dont trolls are out dated find a new hobby better yet get a job or ur own place try to stay off ur phone or computer its really not that bad out in the community regardless of this virus going on try it bud🤦😂✌

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Honestly if this happen a lot just wait for them to use racism or anything like that and report them to psn they dont ######### with that the guy will get chat restricted or he can get ban never report to the dev i dont think they do anything

  • VigilStrange
    VigilStrange Member Posts: 57

    Were I an English teacher I would have corrected your poor grammar. Also, that would mean I had a job, which you then tell me I need to go and get. Perhaps you should think these things out first before you post them so you don't contradict yourself like that in the future.