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What happend with the match making system?

Skecci Member Posts: 1

In the last 4-5 match I got only red rank player, and I think it's not okay.. This was my last match..


  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711

    Yeah, the matchmaking system isn't really the best. Also, ranks aren't the only factor regarded to create matches, queue time and ping play an important role, too. In case you waited a long time, joined a match with high ping, and went against far more experienced opponents, then it might be an inconsistency with the matchmaking system itself since it's quite inconsistent sometimes.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Matchmaking has a few serious bugs at the moment, which are causing issues like yours to be alarmingly common. The devs are aware of the bugs but haven't fixed them, presumably because they're devoting their efforts to perfecting the new matchmaking system which, once released, will render the current one obsolete anyway.