The new map is survivor sided

MTK Member Posts: 77

The breakable walls don't turn them into the killer's favor. They shift the balance from blatantly survivor favored to somewhat balanced. And to do that the killer has to invest 25~ seconds to break all of what, 6 walls? Before that investment there are windows back to back and the central building gen is like the safest gen in the entire game because 1. survivors can see the killer approaching from a mile away 2. even if the killer comes in another direction, they can see the killer coming upstairs thru the window. Even if the walls are broken, that staircase is the only path of access to that gen, pretty much telegraphing to survivors that the killer is coming. So idk. your thoughts?


  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    I feel like the new map is too easy for killer. It barely has any abuseable loops except for main building. And you can even make every loop unsafe.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,907

    It’s really not survivor sided. It’s slightly favored toward killer. There is no abusable loops, shack has a breakable wall, it’s a small map, most loops are unsafe, and the middle building is pretty manageable for killers unlike some buildings (cough Asylum cough) where you have to break chase because it’s too strong.

    I’m not complaining that it is favored toward killer but I’m just stating that it has nothing strong for survivors to abuse, therefore it can’t be survivor sided.

  • DeathsCrimsonMaiden
    DeathsCrimsonMaiden Member Posts: 79

    Its small, and almost all gens are middle gens, which makes applying pressure easier, and can result in a 3 gen endgame.

    I like the map as a killer player.

  • MTK
    MTK Member Posts: 77

    Maybe i am biased because i've only played ghostface on that map so far and it's so easy to reveal him(easier than blood lodge, which is crazy) because whether the area is flat or elevated(ie buildings) everything has a wide open vantage point

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    I've played it so far with Legion, Freddy, and the Deathslinger of course.

    Freddy was dominant, as you would expect just cause he's dominant right now in general. With Legion my only gripe was some of the multi-levels screwing with his killer instinct but that's just par for the course nowadays. Deathslinger had trouble but that's also owing to him just not being amazing right now.

    Another observations was some of the totem spawns are nowhere near generators making finding them a real challenge. I've had totems last the whole game cause they weren't near any generators. The breakable walls feel more like a gimmick, they don't feel necessary for any of the loops.

    For survivors it's a Haddonfield style map, in other words balanced landing will make you a god on this map, you can jump from the Hangmans scaffold, the balcony in the middle, and many of the buildings have stairs and that lead to balconies with vaults that will all trigger it. Hangman's scaffold and central balcony also have gens you can work on in almost complete safety.

    Overall not amazing for either side, mostly will come down to whether the survivors can utilize the few strong loops or whether the killer can protect central generators.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    The main building is the only really good structure. There are some loops with long walls and the shack of course, but it's not that bad. It's also a medium size map.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,880

    Wait until you get a Blendette team which is hiding in the bushes.

  • yutycorn
    yutycorn Member Posts: 246

    It can only be abuseable if the killer refuses to break those walls. I know because I looped the main building with a spirit for 3 gens (she would break off then come back) she only really contested the gen I was on but she also refused to break the walls until that third gen popped. Then she broke all of them on the top and the ones on the bottom. I tested it's viability and it can be looped still, but she has more options to counter rotate, mindgame, and ultimately make distance. She caught me till I diededthat round. I think new map is fine. Everyone just needs to learn it and understand when tiebreak walls, when to leave chase, and when to admire the beauty of the map.