PARAGRAPH V: On the Stage

Karaage Member Posts: 340
edited March 2020 in Creations

Just a little sneak peek of next survivor. I still have to think of names for everything, polish up lore and perk details.

Update #1: Named Survivor

Update #2: More or less finished perks. Will post them together with lore.

Update #3: Done?

Lore was supposed to be more focused on her life as a streamer (she was supposed to stream DBD ;)), but for some reason I got too caught up in writing the beginning part. As a result, the ending may feel rushed ;(

Survivor: Luminița Cristea


Since a very young age, Luminița had a dream of becoming a star, just like the people she saw on TV. She would often mimic actions of actors she was watching, much to her mother's amusement. Her antics would then become a hot topic amongst her parents and neighbours, soon spreading across the entirety of their little village.

Happy days came to a sudden end when Luminița reached the age of six. Her father, a lumberjack, made a grave mistake during his work which resulted in death of two of his coworkers. While tragic, it could've been passed off as tragic accident if not for one thing: he was drunk during this time. It was not uncommon for him and his coworkers to pass time with a little bit of alcohol, however this couldn't excuse causing such a major incident. News of Luminița's father doing, spread by the deceaseds' families, soon reached everyone in the village and he became resented by all. He not only lost his current job, but also any chances of finding any other in the village in the future.

Since the incident, Luminița's mother became sole provider for the family, working as nurse in the local clinic while the father stayed home all day. Being the only person capable of earning money, she would often take extra shifts, leave house early in the morning and either come back late at night or not return at all and sleep over at the clinic. This would leave Luminița alone at home with her father for extensive periods of time.

Crushed by guilt and village's resentment, Luminița's father fell into alcoholism and started to abuse Luminița while her mother wasn't around. Luminița, remembering her once loving father, realized that something was wrong with him and decided to endure everything in hopes that he gets better soon.

On Luminița's seventh birthday her mother gave her a pet bunny. Luminița was overjoyed by this present, as well as relieved that she no more would be alone at home with just her father. When she came home from school next day and checked on her bunny however, her hopes were once again dashed. The bunny was lying in its cage unmoving, staring at her with its blank eyes. Smell of alcohol in the room revealed the culprit. Luminița cried late into the night, when her mother came home. Unable to hide her emotions any longer, Luminița confessed everything her father had done to her, including what he had done to the rabbit.

After hearing everything, Luminița's mother got angry and stormed out of the room to confront Luminița's father. Luminița could hear both her parents screaming at each other, but soon she could hear only her father and then it became silent. Confused as to what was going on, she then heard steps outside her room and her father walked in, grinning like a madman. Luminița looked into his eyes once and all her senses screamed at her to run, so she jumped through the window and ran deep into the forest.

Next day she was found by a group of policemen searching for her. When they took her home, it was surrouned by onlookers, police cars and ambulances. A pair of paramedics were just carrying something on a stretcher from inside of her house. As they were passing Luminița, cloth that was covering whatever was on the strecher accidentally slipped off. Luminița looked, and met her mother's blank eyes.

Several years passed since then. Luminița was placed in foster care and moved to a small town of Târgu Secuiesc. She had loving foster parents who spoiled her tremendously. While growing up, Luminița developed interest in streaming culture. It was fascinating to her how anyone could become famous and be watched by people from all over the world. She decided that this is the way of life she wants to pursue, and started her streaming career.

Despite rough beginnings, Luminița was able to become a famous streamer. reaching 1 million followers. At the same time she started receiving many unnerving messages from some of her more obsessive fans, but she paid them no mind. Whatever happened online had no impact on her real life after all.

However, harassing soon escalated beyond online boundaries. Luminița started to receive phone calls and messages, people would send her letters and packages to her home. It all culminated one night, as Luminița was doing a 24 hour stream. It was already past 3AM when Luminița heard the sound of her doorbell. At the same time she received a message on her phone from unknown sender, just saying "I'm here". Frightened, Luminița quietly walked to her door and peeked through the peephole. Blank eyes stared right back at her. Luminița screamed in horror and tumbled backwards. Feeling pain, she closed her eyes for just a second, but when she opened them again she was in an unknown foggy forest.

Luminița was never seen again. The video from her stream from when she disappered became numer one trending on video websites for a short time, but with no new videos published people soon forgot about a streamer called Luminița and moved on to other streams.



You no longer gain speed boost after getting hit by Killer's Basic Attack.

Upon getting hit by Killer's Basic Attack, the cool-down of Killer's successful attack is increased by 25/30/35% and Killer's vision is locked onto You during this cooldown's duration.

Flashy debut

After successfully stunning the Killer You become the Obsession and Your Aura is revealed to the Killer for 60 seconds.

While the perk is active, Auras of other Survivors cannot be revealed to the Killer.

When the perk timer runs out without any interruptions, you gain a 3/4/5% Haste Status Effect for 120 seconds.

All effects of Flashy debut are reset when You enter a Locker, You stop being the Obsession, You are hit by Killer's Basic Attack or You are put into the Dying State.

Decreases your chances of being the Obsession.

The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.


While You are being chased by the Killer, Your Aura is revealed to all Survivors within a range of 16 metres.

If at least 1 Survivor sees Your Aura, range is increased to 32 metres.

If at least 2 Survivors see Your Aura, range is increased to 64 metres.

During a chase, when Your Aura is revealed to all 3 Survivors, the Killer's Aura is revealed to you for 5 seconds.

This effect can only be triggered once every 60/50/40 seconds.

Post edited by Karaage on