Toolboxes from chests stop working

PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

Maybe I'm missing something straightforward about chest items but since the new patch came out on xbox I've noticed that when I find a toolbox in chest it stops working after using it and then interrupting use.


  1. Find toolbox in chest (this has happened with worn out tools, green toolbox and purple engineers toolbox)
  2. Start using it on a gen with RT
  3. For some reason (killer approaches or I need to go save someone) I stop working on the gen
  4. I come back to the gen, and the item wasn't depleted when I left the gen but can no longer use the toolbox
  5. The toolbox icon remains next to my status but it looks kind of greyed out and has no meter next to it
  6. I tried putting the toolbox down and picking it back up but it still doesn't have a uses left meter next to its icon and is greyed out
  7. This has happened on Coldwinf farm, Red forest, and a few other maps I can't remember which exactly
1 votes

Not a bug · Last Updated

Just so you're aware, toolboxes and items were changed in the 3.6.0 update. Toolboxes now have way fewer charges, but repair quicker instead. Your toolbox will run out very quickly now, but repair faster than before. Items no longer get destroyed when they're depleted. Instead, you'll hang onto it and keep it if you escape with it, but you won't be able to use it anymore for the rest of the match.


  • megmogs
    megmogs Member Posts: 1

    this has been happening to me too, since the last update. Except it’s not just chest toolboxes, it’s bloodweb toolboxes as well. Super annoying as I barely get to use them. And it doesn’t disappear from your hand either, so it’s definitely not depleted. It’s just the gauge and m2 option are gone