Make it count as 3 hooks for devout emblem when survivors dc or suicide on first hook

MTK Member Posts: 77
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

I'm not sure why I need to be punished by being robbed of a good devout emblem when survivors refuse to play. If that's not gonna happen, then either hurry up and implement the new matchmaking/ranking system that gets rid of the emblems entirely or give me a candy to hand out to survivors that will make them stay in game by removing their exhausion buff, healing them to full health, giving them a sprint burst for free and a 100% self unhook chance and resetting all the pallets on the map and turning me into an AI because apparently thats what the devs envision this game to be


  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited March 2020

    I don’t think the devs know what to do with their ranking system. They made this change back in 2.6.0 and mostly ignored this point. It’s like they changed Devout just for the hell of it. I also don’t buy their “too many Iridescent Devouts” reason because the Emblem is supposed to be about sacrificing Survivors, not how many times you hook them. That would fit better with the Malicious Emblem. It could also be a coverup for a more Survivor-sided reason (if you want to increase your chances of double pipping, you basically have to give the Survivors extra chances to survive).