Ebony moris......

russf10 Member Posts: 57

Can instadown a survivor and mori them straight off the hook. Feels totally unfair and uncounterable because you cant use DS or anything. My suggestion to nerf the ebony mori is this: The killer must hook each survivor at least once to be able to start using his moris. To make up for nerfing moris you can also nerf keys and how they can open the hatch early game which seems also completely unfair to me. Thank you for reading my rant lol but I do this this is an issue with balance in the game that you should address.


  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    yes,yes we all know. Delete moris and delete keys. But the devs dont really seem to care. Also moris should just require the survivor to be on death hook and require the killer to pick them up first. Moris should just be mortal kombat fatalities.

    Keys just shouldnt open hatch. Then give them a minor buff somewhere else.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited March 2020

    Oh boy you must be new.

    Yes they are extremely unfair; absolutely broken, and probably not going to be changed anytime soon regardless unfortunately. Not much to really say beyond that , sorry.

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    Moris are fair so are keys.

    Keys can only be used once the hatch has spawned and in solos actually causes survivors to abandon their objective usually to the benefit of the killer.

    Moris are fair because gen speeds go to fast. Moris force survivors to actually play good (win chases against the killer) and not just rush gens.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    The opposite end of Ebony Mori was actually the insta heal medkits. I think you should get the effects of Cypress and Ivory mori meaning you can kill one survivor after 1 hook and the final survivor by your own hand. But in order to mori the other 2, you need to hook them twice first.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    They are fair, but not fun for both sides. So why not just change both? Because they are fair? Cmon.

  • OtakuFreak
    OtakuFreak Member Posts: 206


    Mori is the only counter to survivors intentionally abusing Decisive Strike.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    It can be I suppose, but then again the killer can be trash too. Played a game where this killer mori'ed this Feng. Then didn't get another hook until the end of the game...he downed me and hooked and camped me...no mori and the other two escaped. So for all his trouble he brings in a ebony mori (and devour hope showing how big brain he was) and gets one mori and only a 2K game...and only got 14K in BP. Only person who got less was the poor Feng he tunneled. If Mori's bother you that much you can just ditch the lobby when it is pretty clear he is bringing in a mori.

  • angelnsky
    angelnsky Member Posts: 17

    youre kidding right? thats a perk youre talking about. eboni moris activate after first hook. your ploy is to nerf the key. how about you deal with the fact you need work on getting good and stop coming for survivors abilities. i see you killers are coming together again to take away another ability for survivors. theyve nerfed our pink addon, our healing ability, our tool boxes and all they've taken from you is the ruin. again get good, ive played with plenty of killers that get 4ks and close the hatch on survivors. the problem arent the survivors the problem is youre terrible at being a killer

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    But wait if I am not getting a 4k every time there must be something wrong with the game...broken over powered perks, unfair survivor-sided maps, the devs hate killers you know and do everything they can to make it 100% unfair for us killers. They stay up late into the night just to come up with new ways to make it impossible to play. It can't be because I am trash...because no doubt I am a god-tier killer...I know this because...well the voices in my head tell me I am.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    No...they don't, but obviously they do to some killers or maybe their mom's tell them that...I don't know.

  • Hsizzle
    Hsizzle Member Posts: 74

    ivory would still get people tunnel mori’d. an offering shouldnt have that much impact on a game period, you throw all balance out the window

  • Oshi
    Oshi Member Posts: 306
