I could forgive this games bugs if the devs were competent

Ashlich Member Posts: 119

You can't even play a game of DbD without SOMETHING breaking anymore. Sound bugs, aim dressing throwing you into walls, random game crashes you name it. Hell I just had a match as Doctor where the game would not show ANY indicators of survivor locations. Screams? Nope. Generators blowing up? Nope. Fast vaulting windows? Hahaha nope. The list just goes on with this game, the devs are just blatantly incompetent and will be the downfall of the game. We need fix's NOW, not next mid chapter, not even next chapter. ######### NOW!


  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711

    Agreed, the game does have a lot of issues that are there for quite some time now and don't seem to be fixed. Playing Killer is already extremely hard at red ranks and you have a sweat a lot to get a 4k or even a 2k. Bugs have always been a part of this game and some of them exist since 2016. However, I think the Devs are aware of these game-breaking issues, they just don't seem to fix them. Who knows, maybe they didn't find a solution yet whatsoever.

  • Ashlich
    Ashlich Member Posts: 119

    I find it hard to believe the sound team can't figure out why survivors without Iron will are making zero sounds. If I told my boss for months that I couldn't figure it out he'd fire my ass and get someone that could.

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711

    True, but I'm pretty sure they know that these issues with sounds exist, the entire Community pointed this out multiple times. It is kinda hard to believe that they still didn't find a fix considering they know the issue exists, but maybe they're working on it now, idk.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    My biggest issue is the length of time between updates. I remember, back with the sprint burst exploit, it was asked why they didn't just fix it right then and there, instead of waiting two months for the next chapter. The explanation, at least from what I recall, as that they do entire builds to be released for each chapter. If they change something with the current chapter, then they need to rebuild the build. I don't know if that still stands, but it's stuck with me.

    The games I play give updates regularly, mostly in the form of bug patches and balance changes. DbD is the only game I know of that takes three months between changes, be it content or bug fixes. I honestly don't know how a game can run like that, or why it was set up from the start. I understand bugs are a thing, but to have them plague the game for so long? Or, in the case of the walking bug known as Nurse, hang around for years.

    I personally could deal with bugs better if I knew the dev team could light a fire under them and squash them, not let them fester for ages. How long did the sound bug go on for? Four months?

  • Ashlich
    Ashlich Member Posts: 119

    Couldn't agree more. It's entirely ridiculous to have to wait 3 months for an update that MIGHT fix the bug but then we're presented with 10 more bugs with it. I don't even care if it's survivor or killer related bugs either, I just want things bloody fixed because THIS is how you drive players away, 3+ months between bug fixes of all things.