Mori and key suggestions
Since those 2 are unbalanced due to allowing killers and survivors skip a long part of their objectives, ive come to suggest 2 changes to those:
Mori-be able to mori after 2 hooks
Keys:can only open the hatch for the survivor that holds it, hatch will now spawn after all gens are done if 1 survivor is dead, and will spawn if 1 gen is left and 2 survivors are dead
I like the Key suggestion, not the Gen one, but the part when the person that holds the Key would be the only one that would be able to use the Hatch, so if everybody wanted to escape via Hatch, everybody would need to have a Key.
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Mori's: Require everyone to be hooked once before using a Mori. Plain and simple. Exception being the Cypress, which just requires the person to be last.
-If 3 or 4 survivors are remaining, the hatch can only open by key if all 5 gens are complete
-If 2 survivors are left, the hatch can only open by key if at least 4 gens are complete
-If 1 survivor is left, the hatch will open by key no matter what
Maybe let the killer see the aura of the hatch once the conditions are fulfilled for it to be opened.
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For the hatch to spawn you have to do gens. Survivors don't skip anything unles th game goes horribly wrong for them. But then the killer already wins. It is the mories that skip normal gameplay. Even if all survivors play perfectly you still can tunnel one and mori him after his first hook. It is just that easy.
For you suggestions I don't like the mori one. It still ignores the 3rd hook. That person may have ds, someone may try flash save or even take hits for him so they can save him. Or even the new sabo ... Still you may get tunneled for that mori. Again you break the normal flaw of the game with a OFFERING. Pay attention here . Moris are OFFERINGS. I am sorry you cant do that with a damn offering. This is ridiculous for me. And I still don't understand why it is kept in game like that. My suggestion - green mori is gone. Red mori is on a weekly CD with limited 1 or 2 uses per killer. Another suggestion - earning mori now requires to do a challenge that forces you to play extremely fair - for example never hook /or down/ the same survivor twice in a row in a match while you manage to kill them all. Also you have to never spend more then 10 seconds around hooked surviviors while there is noone else around in certain range of that hook. You cannot bring ultra rare addons.
For keys I actually want something similar. Red keys - only for 2 people. Purple is for 1. When the gates are opened keys can be used for 4 again. And I think if there are 4 people up when all gens are done the hatch should not spawn until a door is opened. It is just ridiculous to get ditched by your entire team just because they found the hatch and there is noed up. I mean it is everyone alive .... If someone is dead that is another story, it may spawn then but not with 4 alive ! I am also not a fan of the hatch spawning when only 1 gen is left and 3 survivors are up - again I've been ditched in similar situation ... but here I think they will just leave you to die anyway so it is hard to impossile to fix that situation. Overall this change wont fix that problem where the other surivivorjust ditches you which is sad