Is it really that hard to add this?

deollie Member Posts: 168

Cross saving & Cross play

The developers have mentioned it in their surveys and have so many players that want it. What is stopping them? They know that many of us really want this, won't they listen to their community? It can't possibly be that hard to add this into the game. I personally feel as if I may quit, or at the least take a long break, if they don't add this. I know I'm just one person, but I feel like many others will as well if they haven't already.

I also wish they would just simply say yes or no. I personally have not spent any real money on my new account because they keep leaving me on edge by saying something like; "We cant give you a confirmed answer yet." If adding cross saving and/or cross play is hard to them, simply saying no would "help" a lot.


  • LifeQuestions
    LifeQuestions Member Posts: 26

    I feel as if they're doing this because they don't know what to do for the people that have bought stuff on multiple different platforms, I wouldn't really understand/agree with any other reason.

  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    I can definitely see why cross progression would be a bit finicky, but I see absolutely no reason for there not to be optional cross play if the can get the licenses for it.

  • deollie
    deollie Member Posts: 168

    I wish they'd stop leaving this subject on edge and just give us an answer.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I don't think anything is stopping them, or that it's too hard. It's just their policy to not tell us something is in development until they're ready to release it, in case something goes wrong and they're forced to abandon it. Obviously I can't confirm this because I'm not a developer, but I would be very surprised if they weren't working on finding a way to make those things a reality as we speak.

  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848

    The big reason for cross-play would be how finicky Sony is with allowing it. They used to have a blanket no for all games, and have slowly been loosening up about it. However, it's still mainly just for big hits and AAA titles. Not sure if cross progression would have the same stuff holding it back.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    Yeah i would love cross saves. I have all the dlcs on pc but my gpu just broke and now i have to play this game with 20-25 fps with everything on low, 0% resolution 4:3.

    I have a ps4 and i think that i should buy the game there, but i will lost all my progress and yeah... I don't really have the money to get a new gpu (i'm a student, i have to spend my money on rent, food and other essential things)

  • deollie
    deollie Member Posts: 168

    Right. I would hate to re-purchase things I already spent my real money on 😕 It's not like they'd really be losing money for adding cross saves because most people would still buy things. It just doesn't make any sense why it's not a thing. Unless they really are just money hungry.