New Killer Perk Ideas (More to come)

Evalion Member Posts: 17
edited March 2020 in Creations

IF you haven't already check out my Survivor Perk Idea's thread:

Restrained Malice: Your desire for blood is unwavering but you are patient in the process. Gain a Token for every 5 seconds you are in chaise with a Survivor. After reaching 4 Tokens and exiting chaise this perk Activates. The next time you are in chaise with a Survivor you instantly enter Bloodlust Tier 3 and will immediately put the Survivor in the Dying State on a successful hit. Survivors put into the Dying State while this perk is active take 50/75/100% longer to recover from the Dying State and bleed out 100% faster. This perk deactivates upon losing the Survivor during chaise. 

Shared Anguish: Your suffering reverberates in the minds of those around you damaging their psyche. Every time you are stunned by a Pallet gain a Token, after reaching 4 tokens this Perk activates. The next time you are stunned by a Survivor your Aura will be revealed to all Survivors for 10 seconds and you will be stunned for 200% longer. All healthy Survivors within 36 meters of you will immediately be put into the Injured State and gain the Broken Status effect for 10/15/20 seconds, Survivors that are already Injured will instead gain the Deep Wound Status effect for 20 seconds and yell revealing their current location for 10 seconds.

Predatory Instinct: Your senses are on high alert once you’ve finally caught your prey.  While you are within 8 meters of a Dying Survivor the Aura’s of Survivors within 8/16/24 meters of you are revealed to you.

Illusion Of Hope: You feed on the hope of your prey becoming more powerful. After hooking 4 separate Survivors this Perk activates. Once the Exit Gates are powered and no Survivors have been Sacrificed, your Terror Radius is reduced to 0 for the remainder of the Trial and your Red Stain is subdued. Opening the Exit gates takes 300/400/500% longer and the hatch is blocked by the Entity for 120 seconds. 

Destructive Tithes: Whenever a Generator is completed this Perk activates. The next time you perform a break action on a Generator that generator will be blocked by the Entity for 40/50/60 seconds.

Post edited by Evalion on


  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    Restrained Malice: If this can be used multiple times, this perk is stupidly strong, like unbelievable unfair.

    Shared Anguish: Could be good, but once they know you have it you won't be using it again

    Predatory Instinct: So like old infectious fright with shorter range?

    Illusion Of Hope: So, if you have played poorly, you automatically win, it's not like NOED where you can remove it if you do totems, you just win. Instant 4/3k pretty much

    Destructive Tithes: Seems pretty bad and pointless by itself, could probably be pretty good with pop or ruin

  • Evalion
    Evalion Member Posts: 17

    Illusion of Hope rewards not camping and not tunneling but you still need to hook each survivor once for it to become active. So no it does not reward bad players. If they are bad they wont be catching and hooking you as is. If they are good they can do that and then give people time to play the game do gens get chaised etc. Survivors feel hope but the Killer is playing the end game. Even then tho the game isnt over its not like literal "end game collapse" is happening and they hafve to deal with it. They can play it slow and work together to get the 2 gates open bit by bit. Id agree it was an auto win if it could be used after survivors have been sacrficed and it was 3/2 or 1 person left. That isn't the case tho, everyone has only been hooked once and there are 4 people alive with all the generators done... its still very winnable for Survivors because 4 are alive. I DO agree tho that the Survivor's hooked are instantly sacrficed part is a bit much. That I added at the end but i think that is the main thing that makes it feel really bad so ill probobly remove that.

    Thank you tho for the Feedback. Ill make changes to each if you have any suggestions would love to hear them :D