Deathslinger is broken and needs to be balanced.

Chases are not fun with deathslinger. The game is not fun with deathslinger. People like to compare slinger to huntress, but the comparisons aren't warranted.

  1. There is no wind-up with deathslinger. It's an instant ADS so there is no time for the survivor to react. Huntress makes an audible noise and movement speed is significantly hampered. This makes her deadly out in the open but weak during some loops.
  2. She needs to charge her hatchet and worry about speed and range. She also doesn't have a site to aim. This makes her more inaccurate. You do not need to worry about range or speed when using slinger. You just auto ADS and shoot.
  3. Huntress does not have infinite hatchets. She needs to not only reload through grabbing another in her sling, but also needs to refill at a locker. There is no such thing like this when it comes to slinger. He can just chain kills like nothing because the reload time is very short. There is 0 downside in using a weapon during the chase.

He should be moved to 115 movement speed and more penalties should be attached to the use of his weapon. He is a very imbalanced killer. Anyone without potato aim can easily 4k with very little effort. Chases all start to feel the same as there is not much you can do. The penalty of his chain breaking happens very rarely because it's very hard for his chain to break. The only downside to the killer is 110 movement speed which is completely counteracted by his insane reload, range, invincible chain, and huge hit boxes.


  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    I dont know his guns hitbox seems to be the size of a flea and and his chain is easy to break plus you have to shoot hit pull in m1 2 times for a down while hoping they dont break the chain and hes so slow if you miss good luck catching back up after reload

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    Don’t want too but...

  • Ascended4Head
    Ascended4Head Member Posts: 62

    Do a youtube video of you dodging the harpoon when you are playing ranked mode. I want to learn and better myself. I've yet to see any streamer really dodge it. So maybe you can be famous with this?

  • Diggly
    Diggly Member Posts: 112

    I sometimes fear a dev will look at bait like this and think to themselves "Hm, there are some good ideas here!"

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited March 2020

    I don't need to when there are plenty of streamers already showcasing "Their dodging skills" vs. Deathslinger. You can look them up on Youtube, or twitch easily enough, but just incase you don't, here's Tru3 doing it:

    Now you can argue that the person playing the Deathslinger in this video is just bad at it, or that Tru3 is just too good, but in actuality, the limitations of the Deathslinger are what's hurting him most in this example. Every time he fires off his shot, Tru3 not only gets a split second chance to dodge, but also has time to gain distance from the killer every time he presses the "Reload" button. Tru3 has a 2 Huge chases against the Deathslinger in which 2 gens are completed before he finally gets hit and downed, despite the fact that he's using No Mither. If he didn't have the No Mither disadvantage, he'd have lead the killer on even longer chases. The Deathslinger even tries to shoot him multiple times, some of which Tru3 Dodges without even looking behind him because of the Deathslingers limited range and need for a precision aim. @Ascended4Head Are you seriously complaining that this is an OP/unfun killer with the plethora of examples from streamers like Tru3 that are in direct opposition to your statement? Or is this just another B8/joke post that I've fallen for, Like many others have already commented?

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • Ascended4Head
    Ascended4Head Member Posts: 62

    This is a single match. I don't take single matches as gospel.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,718

    While I agree the new killer is not OP by any means, that guy playing him in the video wasn't very good at all and is a bad example to show the killers weakness. He missed a few shots when Tru3 wasn't even looking at him and broke pallets right away. The killer should have played some of those pallets and he would have had a much better chance of getting him instead of simply chasing him down using a 110 killer which is a big no-no. At 6:55 for example, that is an awful pallet against this killer and Tru3 should be dead about 10 times over there. As another point against this guy he slugged the No Mither. -_-

    Again, I agree the killer has counterplay and is far from OP but all that video shows is a player that's using him for the first time or at least doesn't have the best grasp on how to use his power at loops.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Huntress can down you through a pallet.

  • Nøti
    Nøti Member Posts: 12

    he's been out for like 2 days on live servers, you can't be so fast to call him broken or op when people are still learning how to play and play against him

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited March 2020

    True, that vid is just an example of a single match and not an overall representation, but if you force me to, I can provide a plethora of other examples as the streamer community is largely regarding Deathslinger as an under-powered joke of a killer. I'd rather not litter this posting with them, since anyone (especially you) can go to twitch or youtube and find plenty of examples. If you do demand that I do so however, then I'll only see you as a troll, and this post as the Bait that others have been declaring. There are many forum posts decrying Deathslinger as too weak with too many downsides (as expressed in my Pros and Cons comment) as well as an incredible amount of videos posted showcasing his ineffectiveness/flaws against survivors. All of which can be taken as evidence in direct opposition to what you are claiming when you should just admit the fact that because he's a "new killer", you simply haven't had time to adapt to his play-style yet, are frustrated over his new mechanics, and taking it out on the devs in the forums in hopes that they'll make him even weaker than he already is.

    If you'll simply admit that, apologize, and take a few weeks to get used to him, but still decide that he's "too OP" regardless of what the community and streamers have said or shown, then your argument might gain some merit... but until then, as other commenters have already stated, I'm now viewing this as a bait thread, and I'm sorry I fell for it.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828
    edited March 2020

    pretty much all that needs to be said, even if this thread is bait

    throw a pallet down, you can't be downed at 90% of them

    it's pretty terrible