Guess I’m a toxic survivor ?

Guess your a toxic survivor if you bring adrenaline and run the killer around for 5 gens . My build was dead hard adrenaline leader and bond and the killer killed 1 person and messaged me saying I’m a toxic survivor and reported me. I died laughing because 1 toxic survivors usually bring a flashlight or d strike and 2 that would mean I would have to be good lmao . Baby killers get triggered over nothing 


  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    mendo222 said:
    Guess your a toxic survivor if you bring adrenaline and run the killer around for 5 gens . My build was dead hard adrenaline leader and bond and the killer killed 1 person and messaged me saying I’m a toxic survivor and reported me. I died laughing because 1 toxic survivors usually bring a flashlight or d strike and 2 that would mean I would have to be good lmao . Baby killers get triggered over nothing 
    Two sides of the same coin. There will always be whiner’s on both sides. I’m a Toxic Killer because I use Ruin, BBQ & Chilli, Make Your Choice, and Nurse’s Calling as Nurse. I’m also on PS4, so I’m a “Toxic Tryhard Killer” when I destroy some pre-made 4 Man SWF who all run the DS/SC/BT/SB (or Dead Hard) meta and have never really lost a game, because there are very few good Nurse players on console and Nurse can handle that crap instead of being bullied by toxic SWF groups. 

    Baby Survivors who can’t handle a loss also get triggered when I see they are trying to bully me and I go on a slug fest or tunnel one of them out of the match. 
  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    mendo222 said:
    Guess your a toxic survivor if you bring adrenaline and run the killer around for 5 gens . My build was dead hard adrenaline leader and bond and the killer killed 1 person and messaged me saying I’m a toxic survivor and reported me. I died laughing because 1 toxic survivors usually bring a flashlight or d strike and 2 that would mean I would have to be good lmao . Baby killers get triggered over nothing 
    Two sides of the same coin. There will always be whiner’s on both sides. I’m a Toxic Killer because I use Ruin, BBQ & Chilli, Make Your Choice, and Nurse’s Calling as Nurse. I’m also on PS4, so I’m a “Toxic Tryhard Killer” when I destroy some pre-made 4 Man SWF who all run the DS/SC/BT/SB (or Dead Hard) meta and have never really lost a game, because there are very few good Nurse players on console and Nurse can handle that crap instead of being bullied by toxic SWF groups. 

    Baby Survivors who can’t handle a loss also get triggered when I see they are trying to bully me and I go on a slug fest or tunnel one of them out of the match. 
    I wouldn't call u toxic. The only time try hards really bother me is when we load into the game and one survivor doesn't make it so it's a 3 man. I personally feel like those are farming matches (especially when someone dc 's right away). BUT having said that if the killer wants to play a normal game, at least don't camp or tunnel the unhooked survivor. Like come on.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    "lol I just abused something I know is broken and needs to be fixed to give the Killer a ######### game. Baby Killers get triggered so easily, roflmao."

    ^That's what you sound like, OP.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    mendo222 said:
    Guess your a toxic survivor if you bring adrenaline and run the killer around for 5 gens . My build was dead hard adrenaline leader and bond and the killer killed 1 person and messaged me saying I’m a toxic survivor and reported me. I died laughing because 1 toxic survivors usually bring a flashlight or d strike and 2 that would mean I would have to be good lmao . Baby killers get triggered over nothing 
    Two sides of the same coin. There will always be whiner’s on both sides. I’m a Toxic Killer because I use Ruin, BBQ & Chilli, Make Your Choice, and Nurse’s Calling as Nurse. I’m also on PS4, so I’m a “Toxic Tryhard Killer” when I destroy some pre-made 4 Man SWF who all run the DS/SC/BT/SB (or Dead Hard) meta and have never really lost a game, because there are very few good Nurse players on console and Nurse can handle that crap instead of being bullied by toxic SWF groups. 

    Baby Survivors who can’t handle a loss also get triggered when I see they are trying to bully me and I go on a slug fest or tunnel one of them out of the match. 
    I wouldn't call u toxic. The only time try hards really bother me is when we load into the game and one survivor doesn't make it so it's a 3 man. I personally feel like those are farming matches (especially when someone dc 's right away). BUT having said that if the killer wants to play a normal game, at least don't camp or tunnel the unhooked survivor. Like come on.
    Though many would. I get called a “Sweaty Tryhard” all the time. Which really makes me laugh. I’ve never seen a more useless insult. We’re all tryhards. Nobody goes into a game WANTING to lose unless you’re a troll or doing some meme. 

    Hell, I got called a tryhard when I went for the Adept Clown achievement by bringing his three perks and an Ebony Mori. I even waited till it was everyone’s third (death) hook and didn’t camp or tunnel anyone.

    Though I agree with you on the three man thing. Like, seriously dude. Come on. You’re seriously going to insidious Leatherface camp on a 3 man? Even worse, I use No Mither. Though will say if I find someone instantly, and they instantly Rage Quit on their first down, sorry guys, not my problem. Blame the dude who Rage Quit on his first down.