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Adrenaline Overrated?

zireael_ Member Posts: 25

Adrenaline Overrated? 37 votes

White_OwlAdeloobrokedownpalaceAven_FallenAbaKat_TheRockstarKnightxEaOicimauanonymous31337EnderloganYTGamekeeperjamakoBassTramasparagus 14 votes
No >:(
Seiko300CrtKazzfinitethrillsMegaWaffleToppingPanicRyuhiAzurlynxQuakeKeezoAvilgusAhoyWolfTodgeweihtPainaPokemonGOPlayerinferjusPrettyFaceKateMang_AnwarBlister987Azgarthusanimalmak 23 votes


  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    No >:(

    I don't personally consider it meta, but at the same time it is very very good I won't lie.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172
    No >:(

    -If adrenaline pops during a chase you either get a free insta heal and sprint burst or you just get a sprint burst. Amazing results.

    -If adrenaline pops outside a chase you get a free insta heal and a sprint burst or you just get a sprint burst "for getting to the gate or wherever". Great results.

    -If adrenaline pops when you are on a hook you get a free off the hook sprint burst AND a free borrowed time effect (since you got insta healed) even if the survivor rescuing doesn't have the BT perk. Amazing results.

    Even if the perks doesn't provide you with the "optimal" application it still gives you a nice safety net to play with, and it has no negatives!

    So no I do NOT believe this perk is overrated.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776
    No >:(

    Not overrated, or underrated. It's a very good perk IF your team are doing gens. Good luck with that in solo.

  • Hailoh
    Hailoh Member Posts: 83

    I've always been on the fence with this one. The bonus it provides is good, but:

    a) You won't always get use out of it, either if not all the gens get done or if you're already healthy and not in a chase when it procs.

    b) You have to play the rest of the game with 2 perks.

    Adrenaline is good, and I've started using it a lot more since Ruin got nerfed into the ground, but it still has its noticeable weaknesses. I don't think it's underrated nor overrated.

  • Keezo
    Keezo Member Posts: 454
    No >:(

    Yes it takes all game to activate, but it essentially replaces the win condition with "do all 5 gens" instead of "escape", meaning that if you're having a back & forth game, it completely removes the ability for the killer to come back unless they're running NOED & get a little lucky.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    tbh, yeah.

    1. play the rest of the game with 3 perks.
    2. doesn't really help if not downed (to be picked up) or in a chase (to escape le chase).
    3. if you are injured and not in a chase, it practically doesn't matter because of the influx of NOED and because the match is nearly over anyway. unless it's an endgame build killer, the match has 2-3 minutes left tops (not including time spent T-bagging).

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399
    No >:(

    I love having it, but because it's only available in the endgame, it can feel like a wasted slot if I don't make it there. Still a great perk IMO, especially if the endgame comes during a snowball.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    No >:(

    A stupidly strong perk for SWF. It's only overrated for Solo queue.

  • CrtKazz
    CrtKazz Member Posts: 214
    No >:(

    It’s simply too powerful. It’s like noed for survivors. Love the concept of it and it’s hella fun when it works but when four people run it, it’s overkill. I think it should only apply its full effect in a chase at the bare minimum for a change, though I think you should either gain a heath state OR a speed boost depending on your health state when not in a chase when it takes effect.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Yes, it is overrated. You play the whole game with 3 perks for just one effect that often does not help but actually hindering you (exhausted).

    I think it is strong because of its extreme comeback potential, but those scenarios are not frequently enough that i run this perk very often (beside on my "Loop the killer for 5 gens" build)