5 perks slots

Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109
edited March 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think it would be nice to allow 5 perks now , there is so many perks and so many builds for both killers and survivors that could use a fifth perk i think a good way to balance it , would be to only allow a green perk to be the fifth perk of cours some perks would to be changed colors and they would have to change the perk lvl system with some perks being green at lvl 1 and 2 but after that i think its possible and could make the game more interesting


  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    I can see the idea but at the same time it isnt what i was talking about , what this post ask for is more individuality for survivors and their gameplay what I am asking is for more interesting builds by having acces to 1 more perk slot

    this post only include survivors so in the end its unfair for killers of cours we could do the same for killers but one could argue that the killers power would already be that and they don't deserve a passive perk on top of it , at leats with my idea its fair and less tricky for both side

    and the idea of this poster would be a lot of work and thinking for the devs to come up with special passive perks for all survivors and killers if we do the same for them and i don't see the devs bothering with that , at leats my idea is pretty straight forward and easy to do

    so yeah for you maybe its a "better" suggestion but from my point of view it isnt and neither is it for the sake of balance

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Build in perk may make some Survivor meta, especially I see only Laurie has DS. Though yes, at least you never face DS + Borrowtime + Balance Land in the same build

    Though I have another idea that suggested along time ago. Giving Survivor 24 point slots for Perk, weakest perk like Dejavu Tier1 takes 4 slots, strong perk like Andrenaline takes 7 slot. There will be the choice between able to setup in 6 weak perks, or 3 powerful perks. Of course you can adjust Perk's level to suit your play.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    I can see your idea of points but overall it might do more harm than good because good/decent builds that arent OP would be nerfed and yes you could create a 6 perk build but if the perks are too weak and many are , it would be pointless anyway

    my current build is 4 perk that i think all would cost 7 point so it would def hurt me "Adrenaline , SB , Selfcare , hope" and i don't see any good build with 6 weak perks unless you buff the current 7 cost perk to be worth it and buff aswell the weak 4 cost perk to be able to create decent build there isnt much point

    and for the sake of fairness and balance it would have to be added to killers as well and they would like this even less as many killers and killers in general are more dependent on good perk/builds

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014
    edited March 2020

    I think there should be a replacement perk system, where you can go to a place on the map and swap one perk for another. Both killers and survivors could swap. And you'd be able to swap out dead perks too. So let's say you're a killer with Ruin but Ruin gets destroyed? You can go to a perk changing station and change to your other pre-selected perk. (Let's say Pop). It'd take maybe 5 seconds for killers to swap a perk, while it'd take 10 seconds for survivors. Would be kind of hard to work though, since you couldn't swap in say... Hex perks. And I don't think you should be able to swap out DS if you've already used it.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    sound like a bad idea and sound more like you wanting a way to nerf survivors with you asking for survivors to get have it harder with the "no switch DS even if used" and survivor take longer to switch perks ectect

    and even with your bias toward killers put aside i still think it would be a very bad idea overall