Best GhostFace Build without other killer teachables?


So I just picked up ghost face and I'm loving him. Does anyone have any suggestions for what perks and add ons would be best if I don't have any other killer teachable? And if you were to suggest killer teachables which ones? I'm open to all suggestions


  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468
    edited March 2020

    If you dont have other killer teachables then the best build I can think off is

    Bitter Murmur, Spies from the Shadows or Whispers if you know how to use it, Thrilling Tremors, and Sloppy Butcher

    For addons: Chewed Pen and Olsens Address Book are usually best. Outdoor Security Camera can be good as well if used correctly.

    Teachables to go for:

    A Nurses Calling from Nurse

    BBQ Chili from Leatherface

    Pop goes the Weasel from Clown

    Discordance from Legion

    Surveillance from Pig

    Ruin from Hag if you want to use it

    These are most of the perks I would prioritize if I were in your situation.

  • FilledPizza
    FilledPizza Member Posts: 392

    Whispers, Sloppy Butcher, Thrilling, I'm All Ears. Whispers to let you know where Survivors are and have more control over being revealed, also lets you know where to look for Survivors. Sloppy is good with A Nurse's Calling but you don't have that, Thrilling could also be replaced with Bitter Murmur, and I'm All Ears lets you end chases faster if used right.

  • Jigsaw_pprentice1993
    Jigsaw_pprentice1993 Member Posts: 225

    Id say go for whispers sloppy butcher thrilling tremmors last slot is a toss up noed or im all ears

    especially im all ears pop ur no red stain and u can trick them at vaults by seeing their aura

    as for teachables

    nurses calling




    spirit fury

    are good choices

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,646

    Bitter Murmer, NOED, Thrilling Tremors and Sloppy Butcher.

    Add-Ons: Chewed Pen and Olsen's Address Book

    That's just my recommendation, feel free to play around and figure out what YOU like :D