Smaller wiggle bar or bigger distance between hooks?

I personally think that they should do both, but the wiggle bar thing is a bigger issues. It’s almost always impossible to wiggle out of a killer’s grasp without any help from other survivors or perks. There have been so many times where I fully wiggled out or had the wiggle bar at 99 and I got hooked at the very last second. At the same times, half of the hooks in certain maps are right next to each other, especially in smaller maps like Grave of Glenvale. The hooks are pretty close to each other on that map. On top of it almost always being impossible to wiggle out, killers have iron grasp which just doubles how hard it is to wiggle out.
sorry if I seemed to repeat myself a lot or if my forum seemed all over the place...
Well getting out of the killers grasp should be a rare occurrance if it was made easier by both ur suggestions well coordinated teammates would actually very much abuse it also that would make breakout a meta perk
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God that would be so awful in my opinion. Especially if they did both. Wiggling out of the killers grasp should be almost impossible. They had to spend time and effort to down you, so once they do manage to down you, you shouldn't have a fair chance of wiggling out of the killers grasp. A killer is already playing against the time because of how fast gens can be repaired, so changing any of the two aspects would not be a good idea at all.
Wiggling out of the killers grasp is just denying the killer their objective. And seeing as they have to do more in order to fulfill their objective than survivors have to, I personally wouldn't want any of the two changes to happen in this game.
This would be especially bad against swf, which could bodyblock and make sure just getting one hook would become hell as killer.
Wiggling has the purpose of not allowing the killer to hook you wherever the killer wants to, which is important especially because of the basement, and it prevents the killer from just walking around the map with a survivor on the shoulder for as long as the killer wants to. It can also slow the killer down just a tad bit when it causes them to bump into an object, making him waste an extra second to hook you.
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Hooks and hook offerings already got a change a while back, plus with the recent sabotaging changes it’s very easy for a SWF group to abuse hooks and breakout.
Hooks in general are all up to rng as well, hooks can either be everywhere or nowhere. The game map is terrible for hooks while farm maps have hooks everywhere for example. Wiggling in general is not meant for a free escape, it’s more for so the killer can’t hold a person hostage.
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Wiggling out isn't supposed to be common, it's fine the way it is,
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You are not supposed to wiggle out. Wiggling exists so that the Killer has to use a hook which is nearby and cannot decide between any of the hooks on the Map (which would most likely be the Basement).
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accept you lost the chase and take the hook, how's about that