Rework to keys and moris

Key- Hatch only opens once and cannot be re-opened after it is closed. Hatch only stays open for 5 seconds if opened with a Key.
Moris- All survivors must be hooked once before you can mori anyone.
Thoughts? Keeps both these items strong, but makes them much less oppressive than before. And adds counter-play.
Only Mori on death hook
no ebony
key change is okay
but they won’t do it regardless
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They should just remove Mori’s from the game
. It’s already unfair how many other abilities killers have it’s unfair to survivors by a long shot to even implement these Offerings into the game. Besides, Ebony Mori’s show up way too often in killers bloodwebs that doesn’t sound “ultra rare” to me. Everyone deserves 3 hooks in this game because of how short chases can be due to killer speed, lag, missed attacks from killers the stun doesnt seem long enough. The game needs to penalize killers a lot longer from mistakes or DS stuns because they’re just right back on you again. 7 seconds of scratch marks, no stun can cover that. It’s not really fair from an individual standpoint I feel like it’s too easy for killers. They need some reworks too just like the toolboxes they just destroyed. I don’t want to have a frustrating time playing survivor more often than killer but I do. It’s deflating getting hit through window vaults too. If I go through there they should just disable the hit box if I’m in the animation or AT LEAST if I’m on the other side of it. I mean come on, killers are faster than survivors and can one hit From exposed and Mori ? Stop. Unless you’re making it entirely possible to not get caught all game you have to give survivors more of a chance than that. 5 seconds isn’t enough for the hatch. That’s stupid. Killer sided nonsense imo. Hatch is a great thing that needs to be in the game because killers have it too good imo They don’t need all 4 kills every game. Otherwise why would anyone play your game? Last patches have been killer buffs and it just allows you to run on people now that gens take an hour to complete unless you really really work together. But from a solo standpoint it’s not playable because you just get so few chances it feels like. And I’m sorry I don’t want to queue up for an hour to play for 1 minute because I didn’t make it to the few jungle gym spots where looping is as good as it will ever be. Even then like I said some people aren’t good at looping and it’s ez 4Ks. Something needs to be done about slowing that down and I believe taking Mori’s out entirely will help that. Like I don’t want to play a game like that, and it’s defeating because I paid for the game too and love the concept. But tell me, if Killers can take someone out Like that why don’t survivors have an offering that lets them auto complete a gen? You took someone out the game fast why would you break toolboxes? Gen speed needs to be fast because I believe things can fall apart on survivor side really fast too.
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I feel like the person who has a key should be the only person to escape, and the hatch closes to start EGC. So other people would have to bring keys if they want to escape through hatch, instead of relying on that one person to help them escape.
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I think that too. But mechanically i don't think its possible because hatch opening for just one person would mean that they'd have to desync the actions in a multiplayer game, which opens the game up to a lot of bugs and issues.
There's no way for an action in-game to only happen for one person and be un-seen by everyone else. Like the survivor with the key would have to turn invisible or something.
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It goes both ways. Idk why devs decided to take anything away from survivors. Maybe nerf toolboxes a bit but not by 100 charges. They’re unusable. Hatch needs to stay open if opened by a key imo (Not able to get stomped on if player opened it) . If that person brought in a key he should be able to perm open it for his team.
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Your key change seems, to me, to only nerf solo survivors and would make no real change to SWF which is where the majority of key complaints come from...
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Hatch opening keys are golden. Franklin's basekit but does not damage item. Killer can pick up and carry key. Survivor can retrieve key from killer by being carried or sneaking up upon. If a hatch opening key is in play at the time of hatch spawn all players are notified with a icon near the possible escapes available.
Just make mori basekit and can only mori on deathhook. Or increase the hooks needed to mori so the first guy seen doesn't get deleted so easy. Give hooked survivors the option to reject a hook save if the killer is close, he is after all safer up there in a mori situation and knows if there is a preferable hook saver nearby.
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im down for these changes but change opening time to 3 sec
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Where do you people even face swf? Tell me please. It seems like @ to me.
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Holy moly please format your post so it's more readable. I can totally agree that ebony moris appear way too often in the bloodweb and thus are abused by salty killers who have a vendetta against specific players or survivors.
However I can't really understand how you think killers have "too many abilities" and that it's unfair for them in any way. 7 second long stun on DS? Forreal? Have you seen how unfun it can be to play killer when people abuse DS, adrenaline, medkits and toolboxes, etc. and how fast the game can fly by? Do you know JUST how fast a game can be won by a SWF team, and how often that happens?
Killers have the resources they have so that they can actually do what they're intended to do, which is kill survivors. Offerings that let you auto complete gens??? If we change the game how you want it to be played, then there would be no killer at all and we'd just be running around playing tag with each other, and gens would complete themselves without requiring any survivor interaction. If you're so opposed to the killer being able to kill why not just go play The Sims?
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I have never used a mori as a killer, or a key as a survivor, but I think they could find a way to simply rework mori and keys to still have a place but not feel so punishing to the game.
First they need to actually make ebony mori's WAY rarer. Because i see one almost every other bloodweb refresh and i haven't even prestiged my killer yet. They could reduce the chances of Ebony Mori appearing down to like 1/4 of what it is now, but that wouldnt change the fact that a lot of killers already have like hundreds of them stocked up potentially. They would have to wipe everyones current mori stock and maybe give them like half the BPs value back or something when they make a change.
Second, if a killer uses a mori on you, you should get like a large BP bonus (and guarantee at least a neutral pip) to compensate for the fact that you had your game ended early. This way a mori could feel more like a 'oh #########' moment instead of feeling like you got completely cheated out of a game and lost your items.
Similar thing could be done for keys. If survivors leave with a key when the game is only supposed to be half over, the killer should get some compensation to help them not just derank from something they had little control over. Also keys should not be findable in chests. (Imagine if killers could randomly find a mori in the map and use it). I can't count how many times i've started a game with survivors who have no items and then they find a key and three or more of them jump down the hatch after doing 3 gens.
Then again, i suppose just removing them from the game wouldn't exactly be a big loss. I do like the mori animations, and i'm sure the developers like having those animations in the game to give each killer a little more flavor. But it would be nice to find a way to make it feel a little less punishing and not so commonplace.
But, if the devs ever do decide to remove keys or mori, they would never be able to tell you that they were planning to do so. Imagine the devs putting out the word on the PTB that they are planning to remove moris in two weeks. Every game for the next two weeks would be killers spamming their mori's to get rid of them before they get deleted, and every survivor running a key for the same reason.
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Would make the "Where did they go" Achievment near to impossible
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You would have to do some tweaks and changes to the EGC then, cause Survs have near to none Counterplay to a closed Hatch with how 99.99% of the Gates spawn or some Killers can go around the map. I would say when the Killer closes the Hatch one of the 2 Exit Gates opens or both of them open halfway or something.