What Items would you like to have in DBD?

NineTimes Member Posts: 4

Curious on anyone’s thoughts if they were to add more items for the survivors. what would you like to see added?


  • Hailoh
    Hailoh Member Posts: 83

    There's a surprising absence of items that actually help in a chase. Flashlights sort of help, medkits sort of help, keys sort of help, but there's no item that's actually dedicated to chases. I think that something like a smoke bomb would be really dope.

    I also like the idea of a trip-wire. Something that can be set up that, when the killer steps through it, will reveal the killer's aura. Just throwing some ideas out there.

  • jamako
    jamako Member Posts: 48

    Weren't chases more survivor-sided anyways? I mean when I'M playing survivor I notice nothing of that but then again, I'm probably bad xD

    I do like the fire crackers though, but I didn't get to use them that often

  • BraveClem
    BraveClem Member Posts: 333

    They should add first Skins for the items,or make them unique,all medkits, flashlights And other Items look the same

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    I like where your heads at, but when I hear you say "items that help [survivors] in chases" all kinds of alarms go off in my head. It's a nice concept don't get me wrong, but the way that the game is currently paced around survivors constantly running loops and especially good ones who can run the entire game I don't think they need these kinds of tools.

    Possibly, because the way you phrased the ideas make these items sound pretty non-aggressive, (a trip wire that can ONLY reveal the aura of a killer rather than slow them down in a chase / a smoke bomb that ONLY makes it difficult to see rather than stun a killer a la firecrackers). I think it'd be very cool to see people make stealth plays while injured running iron will, urban evasion, etc. and just disappear into the smoke would be crazy, or maybe drop a smoke bomb right in front of a hook while the killer is carrying someone to give you a better chance to sabotage a hook.

    I see some cool application, but I also see potential abuse for the idea from really good survivors who are toxic.

  • Hailoh
    Hailoh Member Posts: 83

    I think that items like these should be supplemented with overall survivor nerfs, just to be clear. I did think that these were interesting, though.

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    Banana Peels.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I have an idea for a water bottle. The bottle could be used to cure your exhaustion faster or cleanse Freddy Snares and hex totems faster.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    Then I can probably get behind this yeah, instead of making survivors more powerful in chases than they already are we need to get those breakable walls implemented across the board on all maps, nerf things like DS, and buff killers who have woefully little impact on their matches IE Clown. The Pig, Leatherface, and of course, especially the Clown. The Clown needs a buff so bad I mentioned him twice (thrice if you count this mention).

    From there survivors can be scaled up in power in different and a variety of ways, to have access to different tools and escape options aside from just running the same loops around. Such as the smoke bomb you mentioned

  • JCZ
    JCZ Member Posts: 57

    a radio to communicate with other survivors without coms

  • BraveClem
    BraveClem Member Posts: 333

    Then,in that case, Make the Item icons Look all the same,even the flashlight icons show Different item models,but in game the flashlight model is the same Etc