Doctor need a nerf

Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

I am sorry but i aint really , doctor is OP too many things are going too well for him he is too good at everything

he is god-like at finding survivors for free and no sorry but lockers arent everywhere on the map and calm spirit is a meme perk that i am not gonna waste a slot for because i might maybe fall againts a doc and it doenst help you in a chase againts him

he counter loops for free and without skill and without any counter at leats nurse and spirit need mindgame and skill to counter looping , doc just need to press 1 button in the direction of your pallette or window and even if you dodge the shock what you won't as its really fast and its still an AOE you still gonna end up being hit afterward because he either forced you off the pallette or window too much for you to go back to it safely , forced you to early drop the pallette whats the best case scenario and in high rank its pretty much throwing or back into his arms or you just take the shock and now you can't do anything for 2.5 sec despite the stun animation only lasting 1.5

he has one of the longest charged hit in the game , he is as fast as any killer

he has the best map and gen pressure in the game , with his enormous terror radius , with the random skillchecks going inverse and appearing anywhere on your screen what can very easily end up in you messing it up unless you are 100 % only focus on it and with his enormous terror radius i can't really do that i need to be alert about him coming on me what will happen often because he can win and end chases so easily and find me afterward so easily by just coming to my gen or by using his "press button to find survivors" , and with his tier 3 madness that is an insane time waster

he needs a nerf I don't want everything that i mentionned nerfed i think he should be great at some things but not being the best at everything , he just makes the game unbearable and boring



  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Doctor was not bad after his Rework. He was good, but the Buffs with the latest Patch were not necessary.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2020

    Idk in what rank you play but i play in red rank and in red rank he is as strong as i mention him to be , he is stupidly OP

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    Doc was never bad you were bad thats a big diff and even that is old doc , now we are talking about new doc he got reworked and the new rework doc is OP , you logic is none sense aswell its not because something was "bad" before that it can be OP now that it as been reworked , its like if i say "oh look at "no one left behind" rework now it allows you to insta heal someone for free , now its viable , not OP" no its OP even if it used to be trash

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Sorry Mr. Red Rank.

    You are talking about Map Pressure - with a Killer who does not have increased mobility?

    You think Spirit needs Skill? Except for having ears?

    What do you mean with "charged attack"? His lunge? Its the same as any other Killer.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2020

    My prescription for you is too GIT GUD at chases instead of ressorting to use OP uncounterable skilless killers because you can't bother to learn the game

    also because you are so good tell me , how do you counter him then ? tell me so i can laugh while i destroy any pathetic point or solutions you bring before me

    Post edited by Gonourakuto on
  • SurvivorsAreRuined
    SurvivorsAreRuined Member Posts: 75

    He does man, he’s excessive And so is ghost face, Michael Myers and pig. Hag can be too much with her traps being infinitely littered around the map. When I get caught is it really that serious to draw 500 thousand triangles in the ground so it’s impossible to hook rescue? It’s just that Doctor didn’t need the buff. Nor did the toolboxes need 100 charge downgrade. It’s just stupid and unnecessary. Toolbox charges are much needed to help get the gen done when the match is in its final moments when killers can patrol gens so easily. Gens need to be spread out more if killers are gonna be as fast as they are AND make survivors do the majority of them

  • SurvivorsAreRuined
    SurvivorsAreRuined Member Posts: 75

    It’s just not really balanced man. Killers have the undeniable and almost guaranteed way of finding people. There need to be more ways to not be found. The game is too well designed to have the best runner loop the killer when not all of us can do that. So what, I go down and get Mori’d? That’s what I paid for?

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    a killer can have map pressure by just ending chases fast what doc does very easily pls he has his enormous terror raduis that make you always wonder if he coming to you and his skillchecks passives that can screw you very easily

    yes spirit need skill

    no it isnt , his lunge is one the longest in the game alongside freddy and tier 3 myers

  • SurvivorsAreRuined
    SurvivorsAreRuined Member Posts: 75

    I paid for a game where some no life basement geek sitting on a shlt bucket in his moms basement can get his 4Ks so easily every game? I kinda want my money back. These killers are too much sometimes. I’ll have to agree with DR needing a nerf he was already annoying

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,718

    Doctor and Freddy have standard lunge range. Freddy's looks weird because of his height and weapon size. Doctor's lunge also just kind of looks weird but it's just the animation. The range is the same.

    Myers tier 3 does have a longer range however.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Removing the Chargetime Increase from the Range Add Ons was a Buff.

    Iridescent King got buffed.

    Putting reversed Skill Checks into the Basekit was a Buff.

    Adding Add Ons which reduce the Cooldown after Shock Therapy was a Buff.

    All of it not really needed IMO.

  • SurvivorsAreRuined
    SurvivorsAreRuined Member Posts: 75

    People getting caught by the killer shouldn’t be so penalized then if it’s that easy to find survivors. Ie hook camping,baiting, short chase durations because it’s too easy for him to catch you with speed, going down miles away from the vault You vaulted through and the killer is still on the other side of it. It’s just bad. Lag kills me most of the time it’s just a penalizing game for getting caught. I wanna play but more often than not I feel like DCing too after seeing my whole team DC one by one. It’s depressing. Killers don’t need to come in and mow people down. Are we mowing down gens now? Not with toolboxes that break as soon as you use it on a gen. Or not with thanatophobia and one guy on a gen literally takes forever 😂 it’s not fun doing gens anyways and you guys want them slower? I want to escape more often solo surviving. It’s too easy for killers is all I’m saying .

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2020

    he is viable because he is OP , if by power in chase you mean uncounterable in chases than sure he has power , i could say the same to you , why you crying about old brand new part and inste heal you don't like survivors to having way to win the game ?

    yeah just ran without ever being able to use pallette and window i am sure he won't ever catch up to you , he isnt the nurse you know , i guess i could also use this advice for every other killer in dbd then why did i never thought about it

    you know what sure whatever you are wrong but sure whatever doenst the fact that he is OP in every else he does

    Post edited by Gonourakuto on
  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,718

    Please keep on topic. This has little to do with the doctor.

    While they are buffs, I'd argue the only significant one is the cooldown one. Base kit reverses means people will always expect them and not be caught off guard which will let people get used to them more and not mess them up in the future.

    Iri king is easier now in that you just don't have to shock each person 5 times. It's still the same add-on though.

    Getting rid of the charge times were nice and I could see them letting you maybe get a shock off at a window you otherwise wouldn't have but they don't really change the standard pallet loop game. They make his beam add-on a bit nicer to use.

    Cooldown on shock going off is pretty interesting. If you use both add-ons it basically gives him his old shock back which gives you a bit more room in timing your shocks to block pallets. I could see people maybe getting annoyed by this one but everything else is pretty minor IMO.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    I litteraly learned to play against new doc in my first match against him so pls git ######### gud

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    I just realised this is bait, gg wp <3

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Then when are Survivors going to get buffed to actually be viable?... When was the last time a Survivor got a buff? and don't say Sabotaging, because hooks respawn 100x faster and people dont even do it still.

    Doctor doesn't need to be buffed? He's currently one of the most OP killers in the game next to a Toxic Iri Head Huntress.

    Doctor has the best survivor tracking in the game.

    Doctor has the best gen pressure in the game with Static Blast+Dead Man's Switch.

    Doctor is in the top 5 for ending chases.

    This isnt even mentioning the fact that he also has reverse skill checks, fake pallets, illusions, and tier 3 madness that you have to constantly break out of.

  • minehot
    minehot Member Posts: 69

    He's not really a mobile killer so his stun power is kinda compensating it. It's just that some of his addon combos makes it almost impossible to pre-vault or drop a pallete. He's not overpowered.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    Doctor didn't recieve any "buff" in 3.6.0. They just streamlined the parts of his kit that where left out of his 3.5.0 rework. The only thing you could consider a buff is that reverse skillcheck are now part of his base kit, and they are really not that hard to hit on their own. Not worthy of having to run a green add-on anyway. And he got the useless Scrapped Tape add-on back instead. Hooray...

    Anyway, is Doc too strong ? I doubt so. At the end of the day he is a basic attack killer with no special mobility. Sure he can create pressure trough madness now, because it comes in bursts, and his tracking can be tricky to deal with for new players, but its nothing unmanageable. The fact that he got a unique TR could even be considered a nerf. If you ear the Doc's TR at the start of the game hop into a locker or try to run away from it. Drop pallets when you can instead of waiting for the last moment so you don't get shocked.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    This entire post can be summed up into two words.



    And, while you do that, maybe run Calm Spirit so you dont scream?

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Yeah.. Run a perk that's only useful for 1 killer in the entire game just because BHVR decided to make a ridiculously overpowered killer? What's next.. Should we start running Slippery Meat or Small Game just to counter the 1 trapper that we might so happen to come across.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2020

    Killers need buffs but not all of them and sorry but some of them like doc need nerfs , its not because some killers get bullied that all of them do and that some of them can't be OP , this mentality makes no sense

    okay mister git gud tell me how you counter him in chase so i can laugh at how bad all your solutions are

    wow i never thought most people here on those forums would be so dumb i mean they are afterall infested with killer mains

    no its not , sorry honey

    he is as fast as any other killer and the range on his stun is insane with basic addons

    thx for calm spirit that does nothing in chase , thank god i already explained why it isnt a good counter thank god you can read or not

    also cmon mister git gud how do you counter the doc in chase ? i can't wait to laugh

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Well, you can early drop pallets, early vault windowns and pallets, try to avoid the shock (most of the time you can't, but it's still something you could try), you can run away from him when he starts charging his shock (just like pig). I don't know how you think doc is OP but baby survivors are baby survivors...

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597
  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291

    The only thing I'd change at the moment is nerfing the addons that reduce the CD on Static Blast. Even if they're very minor I personally felt Doctor's 60 second CD was what grounded him to be pretty fair to play around. My opinion may change in the future but atm I felt those changes were unnecessary. Meanwhile the addons no one used returned being the tapes.

  • Okoru
    Okoru Member Posts: 144

    Doc is fine right now. He was trash before and now he's finally viable. You just need to learn how to play against him specifically just like you would any other killer.

  • hannibal322
    hannibal322 Member Posts: 17

    Doc is just rage inducing there is no counterplay to him. As a killer main it feels dirty to play him and a survivor you just give up and try to score as many points as you can before you lose. He needs a nerf badly.

    THEFREAK420 Member Posts: 138

    People coming on here to beg for nerfs because they dont like something needs to be nerfed.

  • Kaiser_Emotion
    Kaiser_Emotion Member Posts: 52

    doctor is my favourite killer to face tbh. especially a mediocre one that tries to shock at every pallet. honestly id rather face doctor than ghostface/myers. even pig but eh,

    doctor has no instadowns, he has no sneakyness really. hes not super fast. the only part i dont like is having potato teammates who cant hit skillchecks. hes what a killer SHOULD be. being able to find survivors, chase them normally, two hits to down, with a little bit of game slowing without it being obnoxious.

    unlike legion he cant get multiple people injured. and it takes more than one shock to slow down.

    hes quite good but more because alot of other killers are weak in comparison. with the skillcheck perks it can make him stronger and a bit obnoxious, i play him when i kinda care more about winning/getting lots of bps. and even then it heavily rellies on getting 3-5 stacks of lullaby. and you cant run ruin cause it doesnt pair with overcharge. so if u get survs who can hit checks its basically perkless build.

    id say hes a 7/8 out of 10.

    honestly if he had an addon for faster shocks hed probably be much better or even too good . since shocking takes a second you can react to it

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    His lunge is the same as every killer (excluding tier 1 & 3 Myers)

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Ivaldi calm spirit also counters a strong (and commonly used perk in my experience) called infectious fright, calm spirit is an incredibly underrated perk imo.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    At least doctor doesn't have a hitbox the size of a planet. He has counterplay which is a good thing.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    The survivor bias from this thread is crazy.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    You've just proved my point when I say anyone can make it to red ranks. At the minute Freddy, Spirit, Nurse and Billy are far better than him.

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    Yeah I was starting to get the hang of how to watch out for his static blast but lately I've noticed once he has you in the madness phase where you have to snap out of it you can't drop pallets, heal, or use lockers until you snap out of it.

    I don't know if that's a bug but it seems ridiculously OP when you're in a chase against him.

    Now I just DC whenever I know it's him at the beginning of the match. I also pretty much stopped bringing items and most offerings into the game because I'd rather not lose them from some crappy killer player in the event I get camped and tunneled or lag switched or whatever other number of crappy tactics the other side can use. Besides most the time you bring items into a match it just singles you out for the killer to tunnel you.

    One of the last times I played against the doctor everyone caught on that it was a pointless match right away and everyone DC'd.

    For the record, I like playing against a good portion of the killers when they're not using scummy tactics.

    Hillbilly: Not too bad once you get the hang of how his chainsaw works, still a challenge tho

    Trapper: Probably my favorite. I've never been camped by the trapper come to think of it. It would be nice if the number of tries to get out of his traps was limited so it's not potentially impossible to get out of them.

    Pig: Probably another of my faves to play against. I try to boop the snoot every time. Every. Time.

    Nurse: Her blink takes a little while to get used to but once you do it's like Hillbilly, challenging but not OP

    Wraith: Once you understand that you need to be wary of stealth killers at the beginning of each match he's easy to keep an eye out for. Also pretty fun to play against

    Huntress: Yeah why not. Pretty fair.

    Baby Michael: Fun times

    Tier 3 Michael: $#!k that ***h#$e

    Hag: Tends to not be toxic and not too OP. Pretty legit challenge

    Demogorgon: Bon temps.

    Plague: Does anybody even play as the plague?

    Freddy: Not too bad once you understand his power. His lunge is a little OP, which can be frustrating when you know there's almost no way you're going to make any vaults in a chase.

    Ghostface: Can be used for evil

    The remainders are ranked in descending order leading to the arguably least balanced

    Oni: He kind of becomes increasingly unstoppable as the match progresses. Pretty much going to urban evasion the whole time. The one hit down borders on OP

    Spirit: Nurse on crack

    Clown: Can and is abused when the last two gens are next to each other, at exit gates, whenever someone is hooked. His toxic gas is almost as bad as doctor's shock but not as bad because you can still perform actions under its effects at the very least and it has limits to range etc

    Leatherface: Tends to be toxic

    Legion: Pretty sure even legion hates legion

    Doctor: Ties with deathslinger imo the shock blast has almost zero cooldown with some add ons and has a huge range, plus you can't perform any actions when he puts you in tier 3 madness. Kind of pointless to try to play against honestly.

    Deathslinger: Dude literally has a gun. He's literally running around the map shooting fish in a barrel. Like what moron was sitting in a meeting with the devs and was like "hey you know what would be fun?! Being a zombie cowboy with a harpoon gun!" And at no point in that meeting did anyone say "Yeah, but wouldn't that suck to play against? Seems almost pointless to try." I hate cowboys on principle (with the exception of Clint Eastwood) because historically they were pretty much responsible for the massacre of a lot of Native American tribes and they have a long tradition of being portrayed in film and television as doing so but are portrayed as heros. There's just a lot going on with that whole character type that evokes a lot of polarizing feelings and images. Not saying it can't be done well (like Clint Eastwood) but there's way too much room for the possibility for that character type to put forward the wrong message. I just pray they don't try to make some cringey Native American character. Let's just not revisit the old west any further.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Again... Why should people have to run a single perk that only works against 1 killer or the random person that once in a blue moon uses infectious fright? Thats like running slippery meat every game just because you "might" get a trapper.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    Imagine having to run a non-meta perk in 2020, ridiculous, the killer must just be OP.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Imagine being so ignorant that you have to make every excuse in the book to try and justify having an extremely OP killer.

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    Haven't heard people mention the one thing that stops doctor from being god tier and that is his mobility. In any small map he's a solid A tier but as soon as he gets a big map, he takes a very long time to get from point A to point B as well as being an M1 killer. It's something clown, trapper, pig, bubba, and ghostface suffer from as well. Therefore, he needs to make it up in other ways such as having a strong chase mechanic, time wasting through madness, and easier tracking. The one thing we can experiment with is to let his shock only affect vaults, but that might make him too weak on bigger maps. If map size was less variable, the possibility for this nerf would be higher.

  • The_Daydreamer
    The_Daydreamer Member Posts: 735

    The only thing that I hate about the new doctor is that he doesn't get punished for spamming his shock. You can't do anything against it and now he has a huge range because of the add-on buff.

    I don't want killers to get punished for using their ability, but what is the counter here? Normally you would just run around the pallet if he wants to shock you. And after the first buff he felt fine for me. But after second buff it just felt like too much.

    Besides that I feel like he is a good balanced killer. (If we ignore the fps drops)