Doctor needs to be fixed!

I was playing a game vs the doctor. He hooked steve and camped behind the hook, and he just kept using shock therapy. We tried unhooking him but it won't even go pass a quarter of the meter to unhook steve because of shock therapy. This is basically a guarantee kill!


  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    You can unhook between Shock Therapy blasts. You just didnt time it right. But that is a super scummy way to play Doctor. Sorry about that game from a killer main.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited March 2020

    *Does maths*

    Hmmmm.... ok, so default Doc takes 1 second to charge Shock therapy + 1 second delay to the shock detonation + 1.5 seconds of cooldown.

    Survivor gets hit with shock and can't interact with hooks for 2.5 seconds.

    1+1+1.5 = 3.5 seconds - 2.5 seconds = 1 second gap between shocks to unhook a survivor.

    Unhooking a survivor takes *reads the wiki* 1 second, raising the possibility to unhook a survivor after being shocked to 3.5 seconds ( 2.5 seconds + 1 second to unhook = 3.5 seconds.)

    So yeah, he does give you enough leniency to unhook a survivor, but but just barely. You otherwise can't unless you immediately start the unhooking process as soon as the 2.5 second timer runs out.

    However, that is just on Default Doc. The new Discipline add-on's reduce the Shocks Detonation time by: 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 seconds (depending upon the level of the add-on), so he can most definitely shave a maximum of .5 seconds off of the Detonation time which would mean that he has 3 seconds between shocks, but shocked survivors still have 3.5 seconds to unhook their teammate.

    Best countermeasures for this trashy behavior:

    1. Don't get shocked before attempting to save your teammate from the hook right after he performs the shock, aka coax out his shock therapy attack and dodge it successfully before attempting the unhook.
    2. Distract him by feigning an unhook attempt and purposely get shocked so that a teammate can immediately make the rescue afterwards.
    3. Go do gens, he's obviously camping and he won't win with that tactic at all if you let the teammate die but take down 3+ gens before he/she is sacrificed (depends on if they suicide on the hook or not).

    I, being a Doc Main for so long, am actually ashamed of the Doc player OP mentioned. Due to his power, Doc has never needed to resort to camping in order to win, and I've never seen a Doc actually win using camping tactics, even camping tactics as ######### as this. I'm sorry you had to play against such a person, who no doubt got a guaranteed kill playing that way, and I hope your team was quick enough to realize what he was doing, and punished him for it by completing the gens and escaping. If not, sigh, sadly any loss you may have taken is on you and your teammates.

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    I wouldn't say this is a reason to fix the Doctor. It's just like any other camping killer. I play Doctor when I play killer sometimes, and I'll hit Shock Therapy/Static Blast right after I've hooked someone, but that's just to see if anyone's close. If there's no screaming, there's no point in hanging around. Plus, he's like... wicked fast, so I've never really had much issue with returning to the hook from somewhere else on the map after someone's been unhooked. Sorry you had to deal with that, but if it happens again in the future, I'd say just cut your losses and silently apologize to the guy you can't save!