I think I saw this idea elsewhere but I am posting anyway. DBD has a lot of new perks and its getting really hard to make new viable builds because of the slot limit. So my idea is to make a fifth slot that would be the character slot : you only can equip in that slot one of his teachable perks. This also help to create identity of each survivor because right now survivors are just skins. And of course this will apply to killers too. This change can open a world of new builds and I dont think it will break the game balance because you can only use your teachable, and we have to agree that not every character has good teachables anyway. So, what you guys think? If you like that idea help me spread it, lets make it reach the devs
This change can also make the killer expect some perks when seeing the game lobby and make a specific build for that match. For example: I see a lot of Megs so I expect a lot of sprint bursts, so I use mindbreaker or blood echo to give them exhaustion effect.