Multiple Killer Ideas


Always been thinking of what kind of killers i would like to see in this game since the day i first picked it up. And i am actually surprised that none of them have really happened since it seemed like obvious ideas to me.

First off, how can we have a game based around horror/slasher films and we don't have a single werewolf or vampire killer? Where is our Dracula-like killer?

Before Oni came out, i had always thought it would be cool to have a killer that feeds on bleeding survivors. Like a werewolf, who is basically starts as a more manlike creature hunting you down by following your blood and eventually awakening into full werewolf mode, giving a loud mapwide howl and getting faster and powerful for a limited amount of time. They basically did just that, but with Oni. Would have been cooler if it was a werewolf, though.

I don't even need to come up with a full idea for a vampire killer. Everyone knows vampires have plenty of abilities they could choose from to design a killer around. Turning into mist, blinking around, changing the ravens on the map into bats and using them somehow for his power, etc.

Second, why do almost all of our killers have basically stabby/slashy one handed weapons? Too many killers just have knives. Even the Clown, why does the clown use a knife? Why not a carnival mallet or something? Why don't we have some badass hulk killer swinging a chain with a huge spiked flail on it who can smash pallets similar to billy with his chainsaw. Something where when the survivors are being chased, and they see that huge flail hit the ground right beside them with a loud smash and they just barely managed to dodge it and they feel like "OH #########".

Another killer which could be pulled from lisensed movies would be alien or predators. Both of these could make pretty interesting killers in this game.