New survivor idea Andrew Yuen (Thai survivor) needing feedback (long post)
Andrew Yuen
Nationality: Thai American (his mother is American and his father is from Thailand)
age: 26
Role: a determined survivor (similar to whatever Jake is)
bio: I'm not writing out a paragraph but his mother is a doctor and his father is a lawyer and Andrew got kidnapped and sacrified by a cult to the entity, his whereabouts are unknown
perk 1: Isolation
You're shrouded in isolation
When Andrew Yuen starts a generator repair it will speed up for 5 seconds and the generator repairing sound effect will make less noise throughout it's entire repair (the perk is similar to Technician however as soon as a teammate works on the gen you're reparing or you use a toolbox it will deactivate for the rest of the trial)
"I love being isolated it helps me focus harder and motivate me"- Andrew Yuen
Helping fellow survivors boots your confidence
perk 2: Eagle's calling
once per trial Andrew Yuen can drag a teammate who's in the dying state to a safe place to heal them and you gain the haste status effect for 10/15/20 seconds (the perk will not stack with for the people or a medkit)
"Don't worry I'll get you out alive even if it means me dying"- Andrew Yuen
perk 3: Freedom
being saved boosts your strength
If Andrew Yuen gets unhooked by a teammate or he unhooks himself he gains the haste staus effect for 5/10/15 seconds (temporarily for a few seconds) and his blood remains hidden for the remainder of the trail (doesn't stack with lucky break or iron will)
"I'm finally free again thank you"- Andrew Yuen
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