hook glitch

slameron Member Posts: 3

things that could affect this but im not sure

im laurie

against deathslinger

first hooked

on coldwind

i get hooked, and i get stuck on a frame of animation and he cant shoot his gun anymore. if he aims down sight it just flicks back and forth.

everyone else can see it so its not a client based thing

i cant move, hud still says im in dying state rather than hooked, and the progress bar isnt depleting.

nothing has fixed it, he got pallet stunned nope he tried picking me up nope the endgame collapse ended nope he disconnected and that ended it but then he got the penalty

in my perspective i am still on his shoulder just without me on it, i see the killer from third person perspective and im just floating over the hook with the afk crows at this point

he comes back and shoots me, then i teleport off the hook and i just fall through the map from a single frame in the carry animation

im just floating in the air still cant move

provided are clips of this happening

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