is there any reason Deathslinger is so slow?

why is this guy a 110% movement speed guy?
unless you actually get somewhat close to survivors before shooting your harpoon, it will break to the gazillion of things in between you and the survivor.
sometimes i run after survivor and im thinking: man, am i even gaining on them? because they probably have different perks to sprint and what not, it feels like im not gaining on them at all. and while the harpoon is good at medium distances, actually running up to survivors who have seen you is an absolute hassle.
large loops that you cant shoot over is also a hassle, and a large one at that.
i like deathslinger, he helps me in most loops one way or the other, but i also feel like hes tediously slow when i trod across the map from one gen to another. i have no way of actually keeping up pressure. im running survelilance and Ruin for knowing what gens are being tampered with, but for some reason every single survivor knows where all totems are so that never seem to work in the end.