Killers complaining about things that are barely ever used

Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

I play in red rank on PC and outside of Adrenaline i never see any other "second chances" perk too often and even Adrenaline is pretty uncommon to come upon , its like brand new part before its nerf or insta heal it was really barely ever used but killers still cried about it because they MIGHT come upon it once in a rainbow moon

in the last 100 games i played as survivors i must have seen maybe 1 or 2 ds and same for unbreakable and maybe 20 to 30 Adrenaline


  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177

    I stopped using DS cause killers seemed to have wised up against it. They seem to realize if I was just unhooked and am trying to draw them to injured me instead of the person who unhooked me, they'll either ignore me or they'll slug me and come back in 60 seconds or so (hopefully I've been able to crawl away by then so I guess it kind of helped if I manage to not get found).

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    I have to admit, I am seeing a lot more variety of perks these days on ps4. There was indeed a huge meta that most seemed to follow, but it seems to be dispersing a bit, at least on my end so far.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Well if you're solo queue it's different to SWF. SWF tend to stack these perks abusively.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392

    Hmm. I tend to get several DS, adrenaline, and the vast majority of the meta perks from most survivors I face.

    One survivor may not have them all, but there are always survivors with parts of those builds. It’s just how my games go

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177

    That's fair but that situation just isn't all that common in my experience. The bad guy would have to hook me, I get free, then I get in the killers way when he's chasing us to the exit.

    Sure, it happens and I wish I had DS in those specific situations but more often than not, DS never comes into play. So I basically have a perk spot being used by a perk that would have come in handy in maybe a game in my night of playing.

    Same reason I don't run Adrenaline; it comes in handy in the specific situations it's needed in but I'd rather have a slightly less useful perk that is always in play over a super useful perk that is only used one in five matches.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177

    My response went away for some reason :(

    Anyway, the long story short of my first response that may or may not be gone to The Entity is that while that is true, DS can be super useful for those specific situations, I just find that they don't happen often enough to make it a "Must Have" perk. When you need a perk like DS (or Adrenaline), it's SUPER awesome to have but for every game that needed DS to save me, I have four games where it just takes up a perk slot and is never used. I'd rather have a less useful but always impactful perk equipped than a perk that is super useful but only in a game or two per night.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    i play on EU those are my servers :p

    idk like i said i saw less than 5 ds and unbreakable in my last 100 games i am always chocked when i see them in action because of how rare they are and even before those 100 games i rarely saw them , i did see a lot of DS before its rework and when it concerned old OP brand new part and insta heal i played 2 k hours of this game since it was release , i can count on my fingers how many insta heals and bran new part i saw used in my games :p

    i tend to mostly solo queue a lot true

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    'Killers complaining about things that are barely ever used FROM MY EXPERIENCE.' There, adjusted the title. What you experience doesn't equate to what others do. In every single game I play, at least two survivors have more than one second chance perk. DS, BT, Adren, Unbreakable are the norm. QnQ and Head On are common, and I've noticed more usage out of Iron Will and Calm Spirit. There really isn't much variety when it comes to survivor builds.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Never used DS as I've never needed it but I generally see at least 1 but normally 2 in my lobby.

    I did use unbreakable for a bit but I only seemed to get slugged if I'm not running it funnily enough.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480
    edited March 2020

    Man, I never have once used DS because I just try to avoid boring choices. I just wish I had the experiences these other people are having, because half the games I play at least I'm wishing I had DS because I can't get the killer to stop going after me, and I'm just trying to do a challenge where I have to finish a heal or something.

    Just be glad you don't have the unfortunate awful luck of having the killers on your ass so much you can't catch a break to do anything other than run pretty much.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I'm a proud DS user because killers in my region tunnel like no tomorrow.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    The reason you don't need it is as you said, there's normally 1 to 2 people using it in your lobby.

    Killers are conditioned that if we see one obsession and we didn't run an obsession perk, the assumption is that all survivors have DS, so many survivors are realizing they can run something else and killers will still respect the phantom DS because we can't be sure, it's not like there's a neon sign above the survivor that says "will stab if grabbed within 60 seconds of hook".


    Your experience may vary, but as a killer main I see these perks regularly. I'd say the top 4 I see most often that directly impact games would be dead hard, DS (at least one person which means I'm respecting it on everyone), adrenaline, and unbreakable (at least one in every SWF will carry it to counter 4-man slug).

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I conducted a research and got 47 survivors out of 100 in red rank...

    Here's the results if you want it

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Killers have a very high chance of getting at least one kill in a match because it is very hard for survivors to be able to get everyone safe out. That's why I think it's fine that a perk can help increase the odds of all four survivors escaping.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Thats an assumption as like I said I've never used it. Not once ever. I fact I haven't even unlocked Laurie's perks as I find them all a bit useless and unfun to use. I also said that I'm rarely slugged so......

    I don't need it as I play smart. Being aware of surrounding and planning escape routes using sight and sound to my advantage and actually trying to lose a killer.

    It's not always about what the killer thinks you have but how well you can play to avoid being caught in the first place and most don't expect you to try and lose them and just follow a loop trail.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Dead Hard is practically every game. You’ll never see a good survivor with DH.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    Yes dude you're so amazing you don't need DS, thanks, point duly noted.

    Now if we can get back to the actual point I was making...

    Whether you need DS or not is irrelevant, the point was because 1-2 survivors on your team run it, the killer expects it on everyone. As soon as a killer sees an obsession they assume there is at least one DS in the game, likely more than one, and thus will play around it.

    DS is such a powerful perk even those that don't use it benefit from its residual effect that every killer assumes you're running it, even when you're not.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    While good players yes the majority no that doesnt apply too and why it still activates more times than not.

    Its also why NOED still activates too many times when it can easily be negated.

    You jus5 have to take the complaints which are never about thinking they have it but when its actually used.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Does it allow you to avoid a hit that should have landed?

    Does it allow you to gain distance and make it to the next pallet in a chase where otherwise you would never make it without it?

    Sounds like a second chance to me.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    for me second chances perk are perk that allow you to escape a normaly none escapable situation like being hooked or slugged or carried , you can still dodge an attack from a killer dead hard just makes it easier , for me even adrenaline isnt really a second chance perk but everyone love to call it one and even if dead hard is truly one its a both very skillful and very buggy to make work perk so idk why you complain

    like so many killers main say all the time GET GUD

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    Adrenaline has conditions to be met. I put it RIGHT with NOED.

    Dead hard is just another way to get to the loops. The problem isn't the strength of dead hard. It's the strength of the loops.

    Unbreakable isnt really that strong. Situational. With a limited number of situations. Lol

    DS is the only one that I have a problem with. Too many ways to abuse it. And the longer you go without using it, the more benefit you get from using it. It's a waste early game. Sure, delay the killer a bit. But it can ruin a killers game if you use it in endgame. And there's nothing they can do about it. Lockers to guarantee activation/being ignored, unhooking with it, crawling to exit gates/bodyblocking. So many potential uses particularly when it counts. That's why I run it.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632
    edited March 2020

    I rarely see anyone complain about Adrenaline. Is this a bait thread? People are complaining about;

    Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time, and Dead Hard

    As the biggest contenders. Since they effectively grant Survivor A or B immunity when they make mistakes, or perform reckless actions like "bum rushing the hook".

    Other second chance perks that have more rare situations, but really shouldn't be rewarding players for playing poorly or recklessly are;

    Unbreakable, Sprint Burst, Quick and Quiet, and Iron Will.

    Another complaint players have are with the perks that have become too powerful making it impossible for the Killer to have control over their objective;


    Players also have perks that grant them above and beyond information than any perk a Killer has available creating a larger unfair advantage;

    Object of Obsession, Kindred, Spine Chill, Detectives Hunch

    While all the while having perks that greatly benefit playing with friends while at the same time by using communication third party programs effectively have more perks than the Killer (not needing to take information perks at all);

    Object of Obsession, Full Team w/ Borrowed Time, Unbreakable, Saboteur, Prove Thyself

    Survivors in general just have more powerful perks than the Killer can take, creating a large gap of balance in a game where the Killer should be by all means the more powerful entity in a Trial. These perks render the Killer powerless. Though Adrenaline can be added to the list for the situations that it is a prolem, for example when a Killer is gen rushed, and a survivor can loop recklessly since the last gen is just going to heal them without requiring any work to gain that kind of reward.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    There are no second chance perks. Every "second chance" perk exists to counter a strategy. BT to counter camping. DS to counter tunneling. Though granted the DS timer is a bit long.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    It's funny, I play killer 80% of the time. I don't sweat any items unless I see lots of boxes or lights. Yet, when I play survivor, I avoid using most items. I've seen fragile killers set off by a map and load EM. It's rediculous that so many think it is toxic to bring an item. Just pathetic.

    Then again, boxes are pure ######### bow, so I don't get why anyone would be set off by that. I let a 4 box team go without Franklin's or a mori and they popped 3 gens fast, then all died. Boxes are a joke.