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General Discussions

The Pig Addon Rework

Changes to The Pig Base Kit:

Crouch time reduced from 1.3 seconds → 1.0 seconds.

Ultra Rare

( changed ) Amanda's Letter

A blackmailing Letter for the attention of Amanda. Fills the reader with rage and focus.

- When crouched, Auras of Survivors within 12 meters are revealed to The Pig.

- Tremendously increases The Pigs movement speed while crouched. ( + 15% / = 4.2m/s )

- Available Reverse Bear Traps reduced by 3.

- Available Jigsaw Boxes reduced by2.

( changed ) Rules Set No.2

Not all games need to have the same rules.

- Disables The Pigs' ability to see the Auras of Jigsaw Boxes.

- Disables Survivors ability to see the Aura of Jigsaw Boxes outside of a 12 meter radius.

- Compleating a Generator will instantly decrease any active Revears Bear Traps Death Timer by 20 seconds.

- Removes the Ambush Dash warning sound.

Very Rare

( Changed ) Amanda's Secret

A black metal box containing a knife and various medical supplies, such as bandages and compresses. Deep cuts reduce stress and awaken the senses.

- Tremendously increases the Ambush Dash movementspeed ( +7,5% / = 7.2m/s )

( Changed ) Crate of Gears

This collection of mechanical parts allows the cration of extra-challengin Jigsaw Boxes and Reverse Bear Traps that are easier to install.

- Considerably increases Jigsaw Box Search time. ( +30% / = 15,6s )

( Changed ) Interlocking Razor ( from Rare → Very Rare )

A modification to the Jigsaw Box: the addition of interlocking razor blades makes it impossible to move suddenly in the Jigsaw Box without slitting on's wrists.

- Survivors that Succesfully remove a Revears Bear Trap will become injured.

Tampered Timer

A timer that has been fiddled with. A spring in the mechanism forces the gears to turn faster.

- Moderately reduces Reverse Bear Trap Death timer. ( -30s / = 2:00 min )


( Changed ) Bag of Gears

A few mechanical parts that allow the creation of challenging Jigsaw boxed and easier to install Reverse Bear Traps.

- Moderately increases Jigsaw Box Search time. ( + 20% / = 14,4s )

( Changed ) Jigsaw's Sketch ( from Very Rare → Rare )

A disturbing, yet brilliant, Trap design sketched in detail on a sheet of paper.

- Available Jigsaw Boxes increased by 1.

( Changed ) Jigsaw's Annotated Plan

A disturbing, yet brilliant, Trap design laid down on paper and annotated by Jigsaw.

- Considerably increases the Ambush Dash duration ( + 1s / =3.5s )

( Changed ) Rusty Attachments

A modification to the Reverse Bear Trap: mouth spikes, covered with crusty and volatile rust spots that make injuries particularly difficult to heal.

- Survivors that Succesfully remove a Revears Bear Trap will suffer from a 60 seconds Mangled Status Effect.

( Changed + updated Text ) Slow-Release Toxin

A modification to the Reverse Bear Trap: a poison that is not fatal, but weakens the victims body and senses, makeing it nearly impossible to stay focused.

- Disables the Survivors ability to see the Aura of Jigsaw Boxes outside of a 12 meter radius when they are caught in a not active Revears Bear Trap.


Face Mask

A modification to the Reverse Bear Trap: the heavy cloth face mask, laced with a sedative, partially suffocates the target, makeing it hard to concentrate.

- Survivors caught in a Revears Bear Trap suffer from the Blindness Status Effect.

- Does not effect Jigsaw Box Aura.

Last Will

A latched wooden box with a satin lining, offered as part of a last will.

- Available Reverse Bear Traps increased by 1.

( Changed ) Razor Wires

A modification to the Jigsaw Box: the addition of razor sharp wires makes it extra difficult and potentially painful to search them.

- Increases the Survivors searching sound by 8 meter while searching a Jigsaw Box.

- Jigsaw Box Skill Checks are Moderately more difficult.

- Jigsaw Box Skill Checks nolonger have a Great Skill Check area.

( Changed ) Utility Blades

A modification to the Reverse Bear Trap: sharp blades attached to the Trap's interior lacerate the victim with every movement.

- Survivors caught in a Reverse Bear Trap suffer from the Haemorrhage Status Effect, this Effect stays for another 30 seconds after the Survivor removed the Reverse Bear Trap

- If the Survivor is Healthy, they will nevertheless bleed for the duration of the Haemorrhage Status Effect.

( Changed ) Video Tape

A recording of Jigsaw, explaining the game's rules to Amanda. Reminiscing about her past-self hardens her derermination.

- Slightly increases the Ambush Dash duration ( +0.5s / = 3.0s )


( Changed ) Combat Straps

Leather straps that hold fabric in place for nimbler movement.

- Slightly increases The Pigs movementspeed while crouched. ( +7.5% / = 3.9m/s )

John's Medical File

The medical file of a cancerous man. Fills the reader with dread and recklessness.

- Slightly reduces Ambush Attack Charge time. ( -50% / = 0.375s )

Shattered Syringe

Symbol of a broken way of life. Reminiscing about her past-self hardens her determination.

- Slightly decreases missed Ambush Attack cool-down. ( -20% / = 1.6s )

( Changed ) Workshop Gease

A modification to the Jigsaw Box: the lubricated parts make the search a more delicate exercise.

- Slightly increases Jigsaw Box Search time. ( +10% / = 13,2s )

" I would like your feedback and i am open to changes :) "

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