Freddy is boring to play as and against

As a ex freddy main I can confirm that freddy is super boring to play as. All you do is spam snares at loops and teleport to gens with bbq and kick them with pop. Very repetitive. Freddy is like easy mode he has everything a m1 killer needs, stealth because of the lullaby, high mobility, and high chase pressure. I honestly hate going against freddy because they all play the same. Pop, bbq , jump ropes...


  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I haven't played against very many Freddies so I can't say about against (though the few games I have played against him were very enjoyable). But playing AS freddie has been a blast.

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    I love playing Freddy, still my favorite killer to play as.

    I mean, if you don't like playing Freddy, there are other killers to play. A new one just came out too.

  • GeordieKiller
    GeordieKiller Member Posts: 409

    hey freddy main here

    hes not boring at all he can do so many builds just the issue is due to the current climate of fast gens freddy main tend to stick with slow everything down (even then it doesnt always work especially with high rank survivors). also he offers a different challenge for survivors instead of the same tatic that is used in vast majority of killers run around a loop constanly freddy can shut that down fast.

    Its also i like to add that playing freddy placement is key for his snares so hes not that easy as people are making out

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I agree. I played old Freddy at rank 1 and even though I could get bullied from time to time, I practiced him a lot and could at the very least give most teams a challenge, if not get a 4k pretty consistently. I would have been happy with some QOL changes instead of a full rework.

    And while I do like the rework in some ways, I have to agree with the OP that Freddy is just boring to play. He doesn't have as much variety to his builds now. It's just, chases - spam snares - hook - BQQ - teleport - Pop - repeat. He is strong, and for that I'm happy, I just wish he could have retained more of what his original design was.

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442

    Eh..I enjoy playing both as Freddy and against. He's my second favorite killer after Myers.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    It really is easy to place snares

    drop them as you loop since you can constantly place them without movement speed reduction, whereas someone like Trapper has to go and get his traps, stop and place them and then can keep going

    His snares can be spammed without any risk or forethought

  • GeordieKiller
    GeordieKiller Member Posts: 409

    disagree on the non forsight you have to keep in mind that they have 1.75 sec activation slows them down by 15% for 3 seconds but can still drop pallets or vault so spamming it gives really no vaule so you have to place them well to get vaule. i hate the nontion that hes a braindead killer he's really not he does require some planning

  • Mrjuice
    Mrjuice Member Posts: 94

    Well the new Freddy definitely requires less skill. I would have loved the old Freddy w/ some tweaks and maybe a secondary power.

  • GeordieKiller
    GeordieKiller Member Posts: 409

    New freddy takes more skill then people realise again its all about placement of the snares for example if you place a snare right next to the window the survivor can actually fast vault cause it takes a second to make them slow vault so placing them right next to windows is pointless so you place them on where survivors most likely run to get to window so you got to predict their path.

    New freddy needs so much skill there is a reason why he classed as hard and not easy.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    You place snares as you loop, you dont lose distance as you do it, you recycle old snares

    they ISNT any risk to placing, you cam spam them and bloodlust people to death lmao

  • GeordieKiller
    GeordieKiller Member Posts: 409

    from the sounds of things you try to do the same tactic as you do with any m1 killers run around the loop freddy can shut that down so instead running around a loop drop pallet and run somewhere else.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752
  • Pffft.

  • FogLurker
    FogLurker Member Posts: 337

    Boring to play as? - Solution: don't

    Boring to play against? - Solution: DC or die.

    Move on with your life.

  • KingOfBadRNG
    KingOfBadRNG Member Posts: 425

    I missed old freddy before the rework he was hard to play, but enjoyably to play as. Now it's easy, but boring.

  • GeordieKiller
    GeordieKiller Member Posts: 409

    im not ignoring your points im actually disproving them cause you dont want to face facts that freddy actually takes some skill especially in the high ranks, placement is key spamming them does nothing as you waste time and any smart survivor would know if he is spamming the area you move away and head to the next pallet.

    your points just tells me you mainly deal with begginer freddy which leads me to believe you havent face a high rank freddy

    im actually a p2 freddy main so the fact you are dismissing me is offensive im trying to give an insight and help you and other understand that freddy despite all the notion he a braindead killer actually is a challenging killer to play.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    "im not ignoring your points im actually disproving them cause you dont want to face facts that freddy actually takes some skill especially in the high ranks, placement is key spamming them does nothing as you waste time and any smart survivor would know if he is spamming the area you move away and head to the next pallet."

    You've not "disproven" anything, what I have said is objective fact:

    1. Freddy does not have to plan out snare count, he infinitely recycles them
    2. He does not have any risks when spamming, he does not lose movement speed, he does not have to plan them, he just drops them and holds W.
    3. If a survivor moves to the next pallet, he can repeat the process.

    "your points just tells me you mainly deal with begginer freddy which leads me to believe you havent face a high rank freddy"

    I play both at high Reds, I've used Freddy to get back to higher ranks after a reset, he is easy to cheese and win with lmao

    "im actually a p2 freddy main so the fact you are dismissing me is offensive im trying to give an insight and help you and other understand that freddy despite all the notion he a braindead killer actually is a challenging killer to play."

    1. If you find me dismissing your playstyle as "offensive" because you are P2, then you need to re-evaluate yourself. Prestige is a cosmetic difference, I have plenty of P3s, it doesn't change facts.
    2. He is not challenging, you place snares and hold W. Being asleep deletes BT without the player doing anything, he can TP and hes 115%, he is not challenging at all, in fact, he's one of the easiest killers to win with.

    side note: my Spirit is P3, I still say she is the easiest killer to play and using stridor makes her hilariously trivial, should me being P3 mean others have to listen to me?

  • moist_strodeberri
    moist_strodeberri Member Posts: 8

    I just gave up against Freddy and killed myself on hook so I didn’t have to play that match out like I have to wait 10 minutes to deal with that boring as bullshit

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    so dont play him, nearly everything is repetitive, youre either a survivor running round and round or a killer repeating their most useful play style. i personally dont like playing feddy due to how dark he makes every map, that combined with my tv that has low brightness etc. its near impossible to see

  • Hero_awesome
    Hero_awesome Member Posts: 301
    edited February 2021

    I think the only thing I hate with freddy is his old soul snatch thing. They should've kept a part of it in his new kit. He'd put his glove up and take your soul. I wish they had kept this in the game and how i would redesign it into his kit now is this....

    Basic attack automatically puts survivors into the dream state.

    Deep Sleep...

    Freddy Grabs your soul and take a part of you. During the transition you can't be hit for 7 seconds. Once the transition is completed freddy will see your aura outside of his terror radius. Skill checks and Wake up actions I.E The clap action by survivors dont do anything. Only way to wake up completely is to grab a clock. I think I'd be awesome to have this freddy back.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Yea not a fan of new freddy I like that he's better but you find someone put a snare at a pallet or window if they run away repeat and yes you can pre drop but that burns resources fast and if they have brutal your still getting hit probably

  • FogLurker
    FogLurker Member Posts: 337

    I'm glad you've been enlightened with my wisdom, even if it took nearly a year.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Agree out of all the killers Freddy needs the least amount of proper training. He has to do nothing to get his power. Placing snares take no cool down. With no drawback or slowdown unlike Trapper or Hag making getting to the next loop not as bad. His teleport makes reaching any gen a breeze which even a Billy or Blight can't brag about. And Freddy with the perks and add-ons makes further overkill. Look okay if you're a Freddy main still needs a nerf and not hard to play. Placing a two snares and having an easy gen teleport is nothing like learning to curve with Billy, landing hatchets with Huntress, precise blink with Nurse, knowing the best Trap placements, or a good lean with Ghostface. Freddy needs something more to make him skillfull.

  • Timo_______R
    Timo_______R Member Posts: 58

    Dc on killing on hook is an issue on it´s own and shouldnßt be allowed