Old West Oasis + Quick Draw achievements fixed?

Have these achievements been confirmed fixed with the latest patch? Wasn't listed in the patch notes.
If it is fixed, have any of you Deathslingers been getting credit now for shooting survivors off totems now? Thanks.
Quickdraw isn't about shooting survivors off totems, it's been about grabbing survivors off totems (aka, an interrupt action). I got the achievement, so I know what it requires.
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Good thing grabs aren't ######### or anything
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When the trophy was glitched, survivors were getting the trophy when they were shot off of it (someone did a test because they got a friend in the lobby) this is why I thought shooting survivors off of it could result in the trophy. After I made this topic a friend told me he got it from shooting survivors off of it. If it meant to specifically grab a survivor, I would think it would say it like the Ghostface achievement did.
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Ive heard old west oasis was still glitched but now its now longer at 0% earned so idk
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Description of quick draw doesn't say interrupt and grab (like in silent approach) only interrupt .
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Grabbing them off a totem is classified as an interrupt action, same as grabbing off a gen. It is the term they use in the challenges too.
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I have both achievements.