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Deathslinger able to spear survivors during unhook animation.

When a survivor is getting unhooked the Deathslinger is able to spear them during the unhooking animation when another survivor is pulling them off the hook.
When a survivor is getting unhooked and if they are speared while they are still in the animation coming off of the hook it counts as a spear hit and they will get reeled toward the deathslinger without being able to control their character right off the hook. The spear ignores that the survivor is getting unhooked and ignores how the survivor cant get hit before the animation is finished. This completely undoes what they did to counter face camping and deathslinger can face camp with ease now. doesn't matter if a survivor goes to block a hit from the hook as he can just go to the other side shoot the survivor getting unhooked and pull them towards him. This problem makes tunneling and face camping a very easy thing to do. The spear shouldn't be able to hit an unhooking survivor during its animation when they can't do anything at all. Other killers can't harm the survivors with their attacks during the animation so I don't understand why the spear is not sharing the same rules than.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Have survivor 1 get survivor 2 off the hook
- DeathSlinger shots survivor 2 during the unhooking animation
- Unhooking animation finishes and survivor isn't able to do anything except be reeled in
- Deathslinger than is able to hit the unhooked survivor with ease and put them back on the hook.
Occurs on:
Happened on PC I assume it'll affect all versions