Games without DS are a free win



  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Having an obsession every game despite no survivor having an obsession perk would be great, but in particular I am hopeful that the devs will find a way to nerf camping and tunneling in some way, to make those strategies less effective. Especially now that killers are getting changes to maps that will help them to have more counterplay, and even a small gen nerf, I think it's more likely that these strategies might be looked into in the future without as much backlash from killer mains.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    But they do try to be heroes. Thats the problem with the game right now. You dont need to be good as a killer to win, you just need to camp/tunnel hard.

    If you’re playing solo you will lose because you cant control the other survivors and they will always try to help. Only swf can agree to rush gens.

    Also not really great game design is it. If the killer is tunneling one survivor (which ruins the game for that player) everyone else just needs to hold M1 with no killer interaction, hence not a fun game.

    Also doesnt help that your stupid scoring system penalizes people for not unhooking people. I say this because camping/tunneling go hand in hand. If the killers tunneling hes been hanging around the hook. You actively punish people with a penalty for not unhooking, and tight now you need unhooks to get points/pips so solo survivors will do it. Only swf will agree to forgo points to work as a team and genrush. Then again they have to do 5 totems too because you can bet a killer that plays like that will have NOED.

    I dont get why the entire development team seems oblivious to this.

    Even just rushing gens, the person being tunneled to death barely enjoys the game. Many just give up on hook. Im sure they love being chased not stop without the chance to do anything else. Why? Because they were first caught. Im sure the other survivors enjoy holding m1 and watching a progress bar increase all game, hoping they can get it done before one person is tunneled out.

    Again - all about killer fun.

  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404

    I bring ds every game because even though it doesn’t comes into play all the time, when I don’t have it I get tunneled hard.

    as killer, when no one has DS and they’re unhooking in my face, that’s a free kill for me. :)

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    it isnt tunneling when u hook person 1, chase person 2 while thats happening person 1 gets unhooked, then u hook person 2 and the new person ure chasing is person 1 and get DS'ed.

    thats the only change DS needs. that if u hooked other people then it isnt tunneling, its just a 60 second invincible.